Chapter 7: Bubbly

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A/U: This chapter might be a bit spicy ! so fair warning haha

-------------------Ariana’s P.O.V--------------

“Where do you thing the others are? Its been a good hour.” I asked still having my face on Zayns chest.

“Who knows. Wanna go watch some TV?” He asked sitting himself up on his elbows.


“Come on.” He said taking my hand. It was so dark outside that it was scary. The storm still hadn’t stopped and the winds were crazy!

We sat on the couch as he turned on the TV. I heard a loud crash of thunder and jumped hard into his lap.

“You’re really scared of thunder.” He laughed and hugged me. As soon as he did the power went out. Did I forget to mention that I’m kinda terrified of the dark?

“Zayn….” I started scooted closer to him. Not gonna lie, this could be a really romantic moment if one of us made the right move.

“Im right here. Just stay on the couch im gonna go get some candles for us.” He kissed my head and walked away. Even though it was raining outside it was hot inside the house. I took off my jacket so that I was only wearing my jeans and my bandeau. I felt my phone vibrate.


Danielle: Hey, we’re staying in this cabin/café place until the storm dies down. You two okay?

Ariana: Yeah, the lights and everything are out so Zayn is lighting some candles for us.

I looked up to see Zayn with his undershirt on. And goodness did he look good! He winked at me while lighting more candles.

Danielle: Cease the moment hun cause it’ll be rare to get those when we’re around (;

As soon as I was about to text back, Zayn took my phone from me. “That’s Danielle.” I said trying to reach for the phone. “Danielle can wait.” He said putting my phone on the counter.

“Right now is just you and me time.” He smiled pulling me onto the floor with him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my shoulder. I felt so safe with this guy.

“I know I say this a lot, but I do love you.” He whispered against my skin.

“I love you too. When I’m with you I feel this tingly feeling. Like right now, is the best thing for me. I can be myself with you and the others.” I smiled. Even though it was dark I could still see his smile.

“Wanna do something crazy?” he asked me standing up.

“Suuure?” I said nervously. Zayn’s crazy ideas often lead to amazing memories.

“Take off your shoes.” He said taking off his and walking towards the door.

“Zayn where are we going?”

“Running in the rain.” He smiled.

“Hello Mr. Malik, it’s a thunderstorm out there.” I laughed.


“No! I’m not!” I yelled and walked out the door.

The rain was crazy. When we stood there, he took my hand.

“One…two…three!’ He yelled and we took off. The water was cold and refreshing, but hurt because it was kind of hard. I let go of Zayn’s hand and walked around in the rain. It felt so clean and peaceful.

“I knew you’d like it.” He whispered behind me and held me close to him.

“It feels refreshing.” I said laying my head against his.

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