Chapter 13: Secrets

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----------Ariana’s P.O.V--------

I turned over and looked at the time; we overslept. It was eleven in the morning and the rain was coming down like crazy with the clouds getting darker. I looked over at Zayn to find him still sleep like a baby.

I tried to not make a lot of noise while I got myself ready for the day. I left my hair curled, and threw on my favorite t-shirt, jeans, and heels, and a beanie.

He was still sleep! So I was gonna find a way to wake him up. I walked over to his side of the bed and sat on him.

“Wake up.” I whispered by his ear.

“Its to early.” He mumbled turning to face me.

“Babe its eleven in the morning, we overslept.” I smiled at him. He wiped his eyes and smiled back. Next thing I know he was on top of me. “Well good morning then.” He smiled and kissed my cheek.

“Get dressed! What’s on our plans for today Mr. Malik?” I smiled fixing the bed.

“How about we go get something to eat, I take you to see some things around London, go see my parents, come back here and do room service. Call it a night?” He smiled getting his things.

“Sounds perfect.” I smiled at went to check my Twitter.

“I’m gonna get in the shower; see you in a few.” He winked and closed the bathroom door.

I haven’t been on twitter in days so everything came pouring in. Tweets about the next song I would release, the concerts, fans just showing love, and things about Zayn and I.

“Going sightseeing with @zaynmalik today in London even in the rain! Gotta love this guy. Having our official Zariana Gralik day out. Xx” I tweeted.

Then I checked the others twitter:

“Harry is spent hours in the bathroom doing his hair in the bathroom this morning. And I’m still not ready! Heading out to breakfast :)” Cher Tweeted.

“Missing @arianagrande a lot right now have fun overseas ;)” From Liz.

“Pretty happy that I met the love of my life. What would I do without youuuu.” Louis Tweeted and Eleanor retweeted.

“This has been the best couple days of my life. I’m glad I met you babe, ready to have some fun today? @arianagrande.” Zayn Tweeted. I blushed really hard.

“You can spot your blushing from a mile away.” Zayn said coming out of the bathroom smiling.

“Well you need to stop doing what you do, then I wont blush as much.” I smiled and kissed him.

“Ready to go eat?” He asked taking my hand.

“Yeah; lets go!” I laughed and closed the door to the hotel.

-----------Zayn’s P.O.V----------

So to first start off our day I wanted to take her to go eat; and the best place in town I knew was the J + A Café.

“Promise me this place is good?” She asked as we walked down the street.

“Have I ever stood you wrong?”

“Well, there was that time when we first met and you told me that avocado was tasty on eggs… stood me wrong!’ She laughed pushing me away from her.

“Ariana! Can we have a picture with you and Zayn?!” Three girls ran up to us in school uniforms.

“Sure why not.” Ari smiled.

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