Chapter 41{Part 1}

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It was finally the day of the court case and I stunk of apprehension. Today was the day that decided if I'd get custody of Tami or I'd lose her to Heather and Pedro. YaYa's letter told me that I had to fight for what I wanted and I wanted to have Tami with me but what if the court decided she was best with Heather? What would happen then?

I went downstairs to an angry Beyoncé who was sitting with her arms folded.

"You took your damn time,"she kissed her teeth. For the first time ever she was ready before me and forgotten all the times I'd waited on her.

"If you don't getcho ass in the car now,"I smacked her ass as she stood up. "Hurry up Solange,"I looked up the stairs but she actually came from the kitchen with some pop tarts.

"I'm ready already. You the one taking your time,"she mumbled through her food. She'd left Julez with Zion and Chelsea for the day. Zion was really stepping us to be a good dad to Julez which was great to see. We rarely saw Chelsea which in my opinion was a good thing.

We met Ma, Kay, Angie and Kelly at the entrance of the court. We greeted each other before going in and waiting for our names to be called.

Rosa and Tami walked in hand in hand shortly after us and Tami ran to me.

"Hey babygirl. You good?"she nodded her head.

"Daddy when I come home with you I want me, you and Miss Bey to play dress up,"Bey giggled.

"Alright Tami. And we can watch movies too right?"Bey suggested and Tami smiled.

"Is Heather not here?"Rosa questioned and we shook our heads. She sighed and laid back. "I thought this girl would actually take this opportunity and prove to herself that she can be a mother. She's not even here,"Rosa tried not to cry.

"Rosa, you didn't fail anyone. Heather made her own decision to not show up and fight for her daughter. You did and that's why she didn't want for anything growing up,"Bey rubbed her back.

"Well I'm here now so no need to shed fake tears,"Heather stomped to us. Of course Pedro was nowhere to be seen.

"The least you can do is not show up smelling of alcohol and weed Heather,"I frowned. She didn't even look like her normal self. I didn't agree with her but I was worried. This wasn't Heather. Tami drew herself closer to me as if she was hiding from Heather.

"You think you're better than everyone else but you're not Shawn Carter. You're pathetic,"Kay coughed clearly getting agitated.

"Heather you better sit down and keep quiet. Do you not see you're scaring your daughter? We're all here for her, remember? Or are you too drunk to realise where you are?"Rosa ordered. Heather shakily sat down opposite us all.

"Where's Pedro?"Ma asked.

"Hopefully dead,"Kay mumbled and I flicked her.

"He's busy,"Heather rolled her eyes.

"Too busy to be here for his 'daughter' huh?"Angie gave her the side eye.

A family came out of the court room and a little girl ran towards him with her arms out. The woman behind them hugged them both.

"That's gonna be us not long from now,"Bey whispered into my ear and I kissed her neck. The past few weeks she'd been my rock and I'd have probably fallen apart if it wasn't for her.

"The Custody Case of Tamika Carter?"a man dressed in a suit approached us. We nodded and I kissed Tami's forehead.

"I love you no matter what, Tami. You'll always be my baby,"she nodded and I hugged her.

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