Chapter 7

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Becca P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up next to Jaime I was really grateful for what he did for me, I kind of liked it. Although I wasn’t sure if he just did it to get rid of Ryan or not but I didn’t care.

“Morning” he said as he pulled me in closer. “Morning and thanks” I said as I curled into him. “For what” “last night, you know the Ryan thing” he sighed “hey it’s no problem also I” he got cut of as the door opened reviling Vic, Tony and Mike.

“Oh my god, you ok. Mike told us what happened” Vic said as he pulled me into a hug “oh yea I’m fine” I replied before Tony hugged me “you sure” Tony said as he released me, I nodded “yea, also what happened with Ryan yesterday made my answer more clear” I said as I sat on the bed, they all surrounded me.

“So what’s the verdict” Mike asked. “First I got a question” “what’s up” Vic asked me “what exactly do I bring with me” I saw all their faces light up and knew this was the right choice.

After I got dressed I was gonna go home to pack seeing as we were leaving in two days. I thought I should text Mikkey asking for help and so we can spend the day together.

To Mikkey; Hey Mik, so I’m leaving in two days, so you want to hang out today I could us the help. Please love you.

Mikkey; Yea ok, I’ll be at your place at 11

Once I got home I did all my laundry so I could pack it up. Mikkey showed up at 11 like she said and helped pack some stuff. “I’m really gonna miss you, you know” she said as she folded clothes. “I’m gonna miss you two, but the guys said you could visit whenever and come to our shows” just as I finished speaking she had a huge smile on her face. “Seriously” she said really excited.

“Well yea you’re my best friends, once I’m gone I’m gonna have to see you one way of another”  I said with a smirk “well I can’t wait to see you preform” “I can’t wait to preform” I said while putting some clothes in my suitcase.

“I’m gonna order some pizza” she said while pulling her phone out “good I’m hungry, want something to drink” I asked while walking to the fridge. Once I got to the fridge, my phone started to ring it was Vic.

Vic; Becca

Me; Hey don’t you usually let the other person answer first

Vic; Yes, but were all bored, when you coming back

Me; we just started packing my stuff an hour ago

Vic; still almost done

Me; yea I guess

It sounded like the phone was getting handed to someone else

Vic; Hey it’s Mike

Me; Hey Mike

Vic; we got a question for you

Me; no I’m not done yet

Vic; not what u was gonna ask but good to know

Me; alright, what’s up

Vic; is there a club nearby we can all go to tonight

Me; Yea there on near the hotel

Vic; awesome so make sure you and Mikkey are here by 8

Me; alright bye

After I hung up I went back to the room. “That took a while” Mikkey said while crossing her arms over her cheats. “Don’t matter were going out tonight” “what” she asked all confused “Vic just called they want to go to the club tonight, and they said for me and you to be at the hotel by 8” “so were going to the club” she asked excited “Yup, so the faster were done packing, the longer we have to get ready”

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