Chapter 17

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Becca P.O.V.

I sat down in Vic previous set like he told me to and the minute I sat down I saw Jaime with a big smile on his face and I also saw Vic wink at him. Whatever it could mean anything. I though as I opened my beer and took a drink. Sense we didn’t actually have chair we only had benches so that meant I was really close to Jaime, which I didn’t mind. I felt his hand brush against mine and I started to blush as he grabbed my hand, it’s a good think that the only light we had was the light from inside the house and the fire, cause I’m most likely blushing like crazy.

Jaime rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand and I couldn’t help myself but to smile at him. “You know there something missing here” Mike said as he got up and walked into the house. We all looked at each other confusion was written across all are faces until we heard music playing. “That’s better” he said as he sat back down.

Jaime and I were still holding hands, but they were hidden so no one saw it. Every now and then I would see Vic smile at us or just wink. Jaime moved closer to me, well as closer as he can seeing as we were close before. I rested my head on his shoulder. The song changed into a slow song and no one wanted to get up to change it.

“Dance with me Tony” Vic said “Ok baby” Tony said before him and Vic got up to slow dance together it had to be the funniest thing. “What to dance” Jaime whispered in my ear, I bit my lip and nodded.

He got up and reached for my hand, I put my beer down and grabbed his hand as he led me near Tony and Vic. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I put mine around his neck, he pulled me in closer so there was no more room in between us. I looked over his shoulder to see Vic smiling at us.

After the song was over we all sat back down and continued drinking, well everyone but Rachel I found that kind of weird, but I didn’t care.

“Let’s play a game” Tony said breaking the silence “what you have in mind Tony” Mike said leaning in closer “um… how about truth or dare?” “Sure you first Tony, truth or dare” Mike asked “Dare” Tony said.

“Alright simple I dare you to go get me another beer” he said while laughing “fine, anyone else want one” he said as he got up.

Once he returned with everyone’s beers he spoke “Jaime truth or dare” “Dare” “Ok” he said as he got up and walked to Jaime to whisper something in his ear, everyone looked at each other confused as to what he told him.

“Alright I could do that” Jaime said with a big smirk as Tony sat back down. “Alright go ahead”

Jaime turned his head and looked at me with a smile, he reached for my hand. He started to lean in closer until I felt my beer get taken from my hands, I looked at him seeing as he took my beer and took a drink “that was your dare to steal my beer” I asked while raising an eyebrow, “no it wasn’t” he said with a smirk “fuck Jaime, just do it” Vic said I guess he knew what is was.

This time Jaime reached for my face and cupped my check, before I could ask what he was doing I felt his lips on mine, it was a simple but nice kiss, it last about a minute “alright you two lovebirds split it up” Mike said while laughing. Once we pulled back I started to blush as did Jaime.

“Alright Mike truth or dare” Jaime said as he grabbed my hand “truth” he said while chugging his beer “alright umm… when was the last time you broke a promise”

“Last time I broke a promise was when I said, I was gonna do groceries” he said while laughing, we all started laughing. “Alright Vic, truth or dare” “Dare”

The game when on for maybe another half an hour till we got bored of it, it was about 11 so it wasn’t all that late. “I’m gonna go to the store, want to come with Becca” Jaime said while getting up “sure” I looked at all three boys that just winked at me “can I change first” I asked seeing as I was still in my dress “yea sure” he said as we walked in the house, I walked upstairs to my room. I changed into a pair of black skinnies, and a white tank top.

“Ready to go” Jaime asked as I got to the bottom of the stair “yup” I said as we walked out the house, “Were not driving are we” I asked “no we had a couple drinks so were gonna walk, it’s not all that far anyways” he said as we got on the side walk.

15 minutes later we were about a block away from the store, “I hope you didn’t mind earlier” he said as he look down “what do you mean” I asked while looking at him “you know… my dare” he said as he put his hands in his pocket “I didn’t mind, I enjoyed it” I whispered the last part hoping he wouldn’t hear me “I enjoyed it to” he said and I started to blush so I looked down so he couldn’t see me. He stopped walking and looked at me “Stop doing that” he said while laughing I looked at him “doing what” I asked biting my lip.

“Looking down when you blush, although I think it cute” he said and once again I blushed and looked down, I saw his feet come closer, I felt his hand raising my chin so I could look at him.

We were looking at each other for a good few seconds before he kissed me. His hands traveled down to my waist as mine when around his neck, he pulled me in closer to me.

“Be mine” he said as he pulled back but still had me very close to him “what” I asked “be mine” he said once more, I didn’t say anything I just pulled him in closer and kissed him, “Yes” I said as we pulled back, he just looked at me with the biggest smile on his face.

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