Chapter 24

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Becca P.O.V.

Once we got near the liquor store there were no parking nearby. So we had to park about 2 blocks. Once we got out of the car Jaime grabbed my hand immediately and gave me a smile, I couldn’t help but to smile back at him.

“Thanks for tonight” I said while looking at him, he let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder “it’s no problem, but there more to come tonight” he said while kissing my temple “well I can’t wait” I said while looking up to him.

Once we got all the liquor we made our way back to the house. Once we reached the house we set everything down in the kitchen I made my way to the backdoor and screamed “the boozes haves arrived” once I said that I saw everyone get up real quick and rush their way to the door.

Once we all had our drinks we had are way back outside. “So Mikkey you play any instruments” Vic asked her “yea I play guitar” she said with a smile “oh yea, awesome” Tony said with a smile. “Alright I’ll be right back” Vic said as he walked in the house.

Moments later Vic walked outside with 2 acoustic guitar. “Let’s have are famous jam session” he said as he handing Tony the other guitar.

It was the best just sitting around the fire drinking and playing music, I had to say this was the life. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I think it’s starting to rain” Mikkey said as she looked up. I looked up to see a bunch of grey clouds I put my hand out and felt drops of rain “that’s cause it is” I said while smiling. Once it started to rain even more all the guys got up and ran inside. Me and Mikkey just stayed there we loved the rain we’d always play in it and just fool around.

“You guys coming in” Mike asked from the door “in a bit” Mikkey said as he stood up and started to spin in the rain “you guys are crazy you’ll get sick” Jaime said “we don’t care we do this all the time” I said while spinning.

At this point we were drenched but we didn’t care we were having fun, probably doesn’t help that we were buzzing pretty good all of us but it was only us two playing in the rain, and laughing like morons. “Will you get them in so we can start the movie” I head Vic scream to Jaime and Mike seeing as they were both just standing at the door laughing at us.

“Ok girls lets go” Mike said “no” we both said as we kept dancing. “We will come get you” Jaime said “that’s fine, cause were no leaving” I said as I stop dancing and crossed my arms Mikkey doing the same.

“Fine suit yourself” Mike said as he walked outside, Jaime fallowing not too far behind. I and Mikkey looked at each other with a big smile before we ran off making the guys chase us. “You’re in trouble once we catch you guys” Mike said as he started to run after us “gonna catch us first” Mikkey said. Me and Mikkey split directions and kept running Mike chasing after Mikkey and Jaime running after me.

“Baby come here” he said “no” I said as I slowed down and backed up. “You know you’re just trapping yourself right” he said as he slowly walked towards me “I know” I said while sighing as I backup into the fence. He had a big grin on his face as he reached me. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer until are lips touched.

“What was that for” I asked once he pulled away “kissing you in the rain, thought it be romantic” he whispered as he kissed me again, I blushed and hid my face in his neck, “your so cute” he said as he kissed my forehead.

“MIKE PUT ME DOWN” I heard Mikkey scream, I let go of Jaime and looked over to Mikkey and Mike, to see her over his shoulder.

They were walking towards the house, “So you coming in the easy way or hard way” Jaime said to me. I got out of his grip and stood next to him, “Umm… no” I said as I started to run. “oh no you don’t” he said as he grabbed me from behind and pulled me to him “looks like the hard way” he said with a grin as he spun me around and though me over his shoulder “you suck” I said to him.

“Ok now you four get upstairs and get changed again” Vic said as he walked in the kitchen to see us four standing there dripping wet. “Fine” we all said as we walked upstairs.

After all four of us made are way back downstairs all changed into are P.J. we all settled down on the couches and started the movies. “So what we watching” Vic asked “no idea” I said “what kind of movie. Comedy, horror, romance, drama” I said going down the list of movies I could think of. “Horror” I heard Tony, Mike and Mikkey say with a big smile on there faces. “Alright then looks like were watching a horror movie” Vic said as he went through Netflix.

Along the movie I looked around the room to see almost everyone cuddling with each other. You have me and Jaime cuddling. Mike and Mikkey cuddling together. Vic was cuddling with a pillow and Tony was texting his girlfriend almost the entire movie.

I couldn’t help but to keep the smile off my face. “I’m gonna get something to drink, and make popcorn anyone want anything” I said, after getting everyone orders for drinks I got up and made my way to the kitchen.

“Hey baby” I heard Jaime say as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissing my check. “Hey” I said while blushing.

“Why aren’t you watching the movie with everyone else” I said while jumping up on the counter “I didn’t want you to be lonely” he said as he walked up to me “awe you’re so sweet” I said as I kissed him. After the popcorn was done we made our way back to the living room to finish the movie.

The movie was now done and we were all on our way to bed. I decided to sleep with Mikkey tonight. “So did you have fun today” I asked Mikkey “yea I did, I had a blast you” she said as she got in bed, “yea I did” I said as I got next to her.

It wasn’t weird for us too sleeping in the same bed, we used to do this all the time ever sense grade 9, we’ve been the closes.

It must have been about an hour and I haven’t been able to sleep, Mikkey was passed out the minute her head hit the pillow. She kept tossing and turning all night long, at one point she even kept mumbling about god knows what. I turned over to my side to look at the wall, I still couldn’t sleep and it was pissing me off and Mikkey wouldn’t stop moving.

As Mikkey kept moving she pushed me and I feel off the bed, I kept mumbling swears under my breath trying not to make too much noise as I sat up.  As I stood up I noticed that Mikkey was sprawled out on the bed, taking over my spot too.    

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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