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GUYS, IF YOU LIKE THE STORY PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT, IT TAKES LITERALLY ONE SECOND BUT IT MAKES THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE PLEASEEEE DON'T FORGET! <3 Also, most of the story is in Jughead's POV, but there will be occasional switches between characters.

This chapter starts similar to the show, as I wanted to give a proper background to the characters and still wanted to incorporate that story. I also did it to actually have some development in their relationship instead of jumping right into them being a couple.

Although there may be a few lines here and there that I loved in the show and I might include in my book, I ASSURE YOU, this will be a DIFFERENT STORY. The main focus here is Betty's dark side and how Jughead handles it, so bear with me.

I know you guys will love this story if you ship Bughead :)~~~~~

Jughead's POV:

It has been 3 months since the body of Jason Blossom was found, yet the police were far from finding out the murderer. Betty and I, however, we were going to figure it out soon. Keeping our investigation from Archie and Veronica was pretty hard, but after they found out, they still weren't as interested as we were. Whenever Betty and I met up for the Blue and Gold, our school newspaper, we got closer to solving the mystery. Every time we met up also made me fall harder for the blonde.

"Hey Jug!" she skips up to me.

"Hi, Betty." I say with a smile.

Her rosy lips and bright green eyes glistened in the morning light. Her hair was slicked back in her classic ponytail and shined like gold. 

We now walk out of our school into the parking lot and she stops in her tracks. 

"Jug." she says, her eyes wide.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"The car. Polly said there was an escape car, somewhere along the highway, near the river."

We had just visited her sister, Polly, at the hell hole her parents put her in. She told us about her plan to leave Riverdale with Jason.

"Betty, we have to go, now." I say.

She runs behind me as we enter my car. I drive down the road at a faster speed than I should, but we needed to find the car before anyone else did.

After a while of driving, there it was, just where Polly said it'd be. The sun was now setting.

We stand behind the car, our hands inches away from the trunk.

"Ready?" I say, turning to Betty.

She nods before I pull open the truck. A Letterman jacket and suitcases. Betty slightly opens up the jacket, revealing the name. Jason. She reaches over to open one of the suitcases before a light appears behind us. Two lights. Head lights. 

"Betty, let's go." I say, worried about who it could be.

"Who is that, Jug?" she peers over, walking towards the upcoming car.

Suddenly, heat blasts my face and my ears ring. A fire, an explosive. All I see around me is smoke and fire, but no Betty.

"Betty!" I yell. "BETTS!"

I walk slowly and carefully into the burning atmosphere, it had grown from the trees surrounding us.

"Betty!" I yell, my shoulder was now burnt, but I didn't care, I needed to find her.

My throat tingles from the smoke causing me to cough. A figure starts to appear from the orange flames. As it comes closer I recognize it's her.


The Dark Side - A Bughead FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now