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I just woke up to 300 reads! (UPDATE: WHEN I STARTED WRITING THIS CHAPTER IT JUST TURNED 300, I'VE NOW REACHED OVER 400 READS!! THAT'S CRAZY) Thank you guys so much <3

 I know I say it a lot, it might get annoying but PLEASE CLICK THE STAR BUTTON (VOTE), IT HELPS A LOT AND IT TAKES LITERALLY A SECOND. Also, please feel free to comment, I want you guys to interact with me and this story! By the way, if there is no character name written at the start, it is Jughead, as I said earlier almost all of the story is from Jughead's perspective unless i want to incorporate someone else's view or opinion. 

WARNING: MORE TOUCHY SUBJECTS OF SELF-HARM. I mean no disrespect to anyone who goes through these things, and I am so sorry if you feel upset by this. In no way am I trying to offend anybody. Please dont be afraid to message me if you are going through similar things and need someone!

I hold the door open for Betty as she walks into, what we could call, her new home.

"Welcome home." I say.

She smiles up at me weakly. She was happy and sad at the same time. Happy to be out of that god forsaken place, sad to leave her mother behind. 

"Did I make a mistake, Jug? Leaving her alone with him?" she worries.

I put down the bags and hold her by the shoulders. "Hey, you didn't leave her alone. She chose to stay instead of coming with you. Don't make it your fault when it's not."

(Again, for the gifs, don't take the setting or character's clothes into account, just their actions are how I imagine they look and act at that moment in my story)

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(Again, for the gifs, don't take the setting or character's clothes into account, just their actions are how I imagine they look and act at that moment in my story)

Her adorable smile appears, one I longed for after seeing her cry for the past hour. 

"Okay." she says simply before we kiss.

She grabs my jacket, as she loves to do, and leans into my chest, I lay a kiss on her forehead.

I take a deep breath before saying, "Okay, let's get you all settled in.", letting go of her.

"What about your dad?" she says.

"We'll go down to the station tonight, tell him about us and this whole thing." I respond.

I open up 3 of the many empty drawers I have in the wooden closet wall in the bedroom. 

"Take as many drawers as you need, there are a lot. I don't have a lot of things." I say.

"Thank you, Jug. For letting me stay here. I'll be gone once I find an apartment, I should gather enough money from work soon."  (Betty works at Pop's.) 

"Betty, you don't have to leave. Once my dad gets out he said he wants to buy another one of the trailers here at Sunnyside, there isn't really enough room for two grown men."

"What are you saying?" Betty smiles up at me as she puts clothes in her drawer.

"You could stay." I say nervously.

The Dark Side - A Bughead FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now