- c h a p t e r e i g h t e e n -

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Guys, thank you so much for all your love and support on this story. This will be the final chapter, as it kind of comes full circle. The story started focusing on Betty's dark side, but it turned into something much bigger that I thought would be the perfect way to end this. I WILL be making a new story, one more lighthearted and cute focusing on their relationship more so stay tuned for that! 

So, I hope you enjoy the story and please keep commenting and voting so people can find it! I still can't believe I have gotten almost 1k reads, it's unreal. I hope I don't disappoint with this ending, but it is what I think is best! Love you all ♥ 



We wake up in the Cooper house, still on the blue couch. Betty lays atop of me, looking so peaceful and happy. Of course, making me happy. Her eyes flutter open at the bright sun.

"Hey there, Juliet." I smile at the half-awaken blonde.

"Hi, baby." she smiles up at me before hugging and snuggling into my chest. Her voice was light and sweet when she woke up. Not to mention the name she called me sounding adorable coming from her lips. 

"Can we visit Archie today? I need to talk to him." she says into my chest, her eyes shut.

My teeth grind and fist clenches at the sound of his name. But, if that is what Betty needed to do, I'd do it with her.

"Sure." I say.

"Breakfast at Pop's?"

She turns her body, her chest now on mine and her face in front of me. "Count me in." 

"Thank you, again, Jug." she says, resting her chin on her hands as they lay on my chest.


"You're just always there. I don't know what I'd do, if I'd even be here if it weren't for you."

My heart skips a beat at the thought of her not being here. I sit up straight, making her get up as well.

I put my hand on her shoulder and look at her. "You need to know you've always got me. Whether it's through your darkest days, or your happiest. I will always support you."

"I know." she nods with a smile. 

"Good. Now let's go eat because-"

"I already see the cranky boy shining through." she says standing up.

"I don't get cranky!" Oh.

She raises her eyebrows. 

"My point exactly."


As I scoff down my last bite of food, Betty delicately takes a bite out of her waffle.

"Is it bad that I'm still hungry?" I say.

She shakes her head giggles. "Not surprising. You can have the rest of my waffle, I already ate most of it." 

The large waffle was bigger than her face.

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