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HOLY SHIT ALMOST 1K GUYS AHH THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ P.S changing the way I say whose POV it is to how it says Archie under this.


As I groan in pain, balled up on the cold concrete floor, I feel weak. Not because Betty just sacked me, because I felt guilty. What the hell is happening to me? I almost raped my best friend twice.

In these moments I didn't feel like myself. It was this darkness that just took over me and took what it wanted. I felt horrible, and I knew that I would get the punishment I deserved. I want to take it back. All of it, from the first ounce of jealousy that seeped through my veins when Jughead and Betty told us about them. Hell, I want to take back telling Betty I didn't love her in that way. I did now. I wish she never brought it up that dreaded night of the dance. If she didn't say anything, maybe it would've all happened on its own. 

I feel numb. Like every memory of Jughead, Betty and I in Jughead's tree house were leaving me. Like all the laughs we shared in Pop's were all for nothing. How could I do this? I hated myself for it, even though it was like I couldn't even control it, like my body did it all on by itself. Once I realized my feelings for Betty, I thought she would tell me she loved me. Now looking back, I realize how much that must have hurt her, and especially Jughead. He was like my brother and I tried stealing Betty from him when he was finally happy, I know all the shit he's been through. And Veronica. I broke her heart. I love her too, I do, but clearly not enough.

I lift my head up, dropping it heavily on the floor, banging it. I weep as I lay on the cold floor and let my thoughts consume me, awaiting the police I know are on the way.



Although he assaulted me, I can't help but feel guilty as I talk to the police. I know he would still be laying in that room. No matter how hard I try, Archie was a huge part of my life and I can't help but feel sorry for reporting him.

"Ms. Cooper." the officer says, taking me out of my thoughts.

He stands in front of me as I sit on the arm of the couch, my hair now tied back low.

"Yeah." I smile, looking at him. "Sorry."

"Would you like to inform your parents of this? I know it is something you might want to keep personal, although I advise you let them know."

"I'll let them know on my own time, please." 

"Of course. Well, we'll be taking the kid to the jail, see what the situation is. I'm so sorry about this."

"No, not at all. I'll be okay." I keep smiling to keep the tears out of my eyes. 

I know I shouldn't feel bad but I do. I don't want Archie to go to jail. That would ruin his life, ruin any chances for jobs and colleges.

Before the police leaves, all his colleagues already on their way to Archie's, I stop him. "Sir, I won't be pressing any charges, does that change any of his jail time?"

"If he is bailed out within 24 hours, this won't go down in his permanent record since you aren't charging." he smiles before turning around and walking to the door Jughead holds open.

"Thank you!" I yell out, Jughead closing the door as the cop leaves.

"Betty, why in god's name aren't you pressing charges. He deserves that, and a restraining order!" Veronica says.

"I.. I can't, V." I stand up from the arm of the couch, putting my hands on my hips and shaking my head. I'm so tired of crying but the tears keep falling out. "It's Archie. And I know that means something else now, he isn't our Archie, but still. He was my best friend and this would ruin his whole future. I'm not gonna do that to him. I won't."

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