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Jughead's POV:

It's the next morning, which came quick given we were out till 3 am last night. My release from the hospital was quick. The fire had burnt a layer of skin, so they had to remove that and my ear and shoulder were covered with gauze. I am told to keep water away from both areas for at least a week, so I guess showering will be a challenge. 

My first instinct is to go visit Betty. As I race down the hospital halls I bump into a frantic Archie and Veronica.

"Jug!" Archie exclaims as he gives me a hug. He places his hands on my shoulders to inspect me. Ouch.

"Are you hurt?"

"Not really, except my ear and exactly where you are currently touching me." I wince.

"Oh, fuck, sorry." he says removing his hand.

"I'm glad you're okay, Jughead." Veronica smiles, "How's B?"

"Betty is okay, she had a pretty bad burn on her right leg, she couldn't even move it or walk."

"Oh no." Veronica says as the two of them frown.

"She'll be fine, guys. I made sure she didn't loose too much blood and she's a fighter." I say, staring behind them searching for a room with a certain blonde inside.

Veronica tilts her head slightly, looking at me in curiosity.

"Well, I was actually on my way to Betty's room, I'm released. C'mon."

They trail behind me as I look left and right for Betty. Suddenly, a woman in nurse clothing stops me.

"Your girlfriend is in room 112."

"She's not my- okay thanks." I smile, ignoring her title.

"There." Archie points out the door with the number 112 stamped on boldly.

I run into the room and find an unconscious Betty on the bed, limp. She has an oxygen mask on and a wrap of gauze on her leg, just like my injuries.

"Oh no, Betts." I say. I didn't expect it to be that bad.

A doctor walks in.

"The boyfriend right?" he says to me.

"No, no, she's just a good friend of mine."

"Hm, you'd make a good couple though." he says. "Alright, Jughead, right?"

My cheeks heat up at his comment before I answer, "Yes, sir." 

"Well, Betty seemed to have been in the fire for a while, based on some analysis, is this true?"

"She was extremely close to the source of the explosion, whatever it was, and she was in the fire for a while. I wasn't initially but I went in to look for her. I'm sorry, is something wrong?" I rant.

"It seemed to have damaged her esophagus a little, nothing serious. She just needed a little extra oxygen, so don't be alarmed by the mask. It should heal on it's own in the next week. If you hadn't went in to help her, Jughead, she could have a serious, permanent, breathing problem. Good on you."

"Thank you, and her leg?"

"That'll be fine, she'll need crutches for a while to avoid too much pressure on it but, again, you helped her with that shirt wrap."

"I did what I had to do." I smile.

"I leave you and your friends alone, Betty should be awake in a few minutes, we just had her under anesthetics during the stitches to close up some ripped skin." he says, leaving the room.

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