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Betty and I have been dating now for just over 3 months. Of course, it felt like much longer since I fell in love with her long before.

"Hey, Jug!" She says closing our trailer door behind her. She was at the mall since after school with Veronica and Kevin.

"Here, let me help." I say taking a few of her many bags.

"Thank you." she says leaning in for a kiss.

"So what's tonight's agenda? A movie with Ronnie? Pop's? You know I'll never turn down Pop's." I converse as we set the bags in our room.

"I was thinking.." she puts her bags on the bed and wraps her arms around my neck, "Maybe we could stay in, just the two of us?"

"Sure." I smile.

"Why don't you go set up, I'm just gonna change into something a little more comfortable." 

"Okay." I nod closing our room behind me.

As I sit on the couch I scroll through Netflix, looking for Betty and I's favorite movie to watch together, Rebel Without a Cause.

"I was thinking we could change it up tonight." I hear from the room's direction.

"Oh sure," I say, looking for a different movie, "What were you thinking?" I say. I turn my head towards the room, taking a double take.

Betty stands, her arm stretched upwards, leaning on the door frame. She wears a short white slip dress, lined with lace at the deep neck line and the bottom hemming. Her hair that was just in a ponytail falls over her shoulders in perfect blonde waves.

"Nothing in particular." she says slowly, accentuating each letter. 

She walks towards me at the same speed of her voice, my chest feeling tight. 

"Uhuh." is all I can sputter as she nears closer, now in front of me. I turn off the TV.

She hovers over me as I sit, her hands on my shoulders.

I grab her waist with both hands, pulling her onto me causing her to giggle. As she now straddles me, my eyes scan her body.

"You look amazing." I say.

"You're amazing. I love you." she says.

"I love you." I respond.

Her hands rest on each side of my neck as she pulls me in closer, kissing me lustfully. Different from our normal kisses, she tugs on my bottom lip as she separates. It makes me smirk. 

"What was that?" I flirt.

"I said that I was ready for something we've never done before." she says, biting her lip.

I understand what she was implying. My heart beats faster, my throat closing. I run my hands up and down her bare legs, her hands still on my neck. I lean in for another kiss, desireful. Her body slides down my lap, our stomachs now squeezed together. I slide my left hand up her leg, her lingerie dress scrunching up as I continue to the top of her leg. I keep moving up until I hold her hips from under the dress, realizing she wears nothing at all under it. She lets go of my lips, leaning her head on mine with heavy breath.

We look at each other in the eyes before she slides my beanie off my head. 

"Betty, are you sure?" I reassure myself while I ask her.

"Yeah, Jug. I want to do this, with you. Tonight." she smiles, running her fingers through my hair.

With both hands now under her dress, holding her waist, I pull her in quickly, kissing her. She grabs the bottom of my white t-shirt, letting go of my lips as she pulls it over my head. She smiles widely as we look at each other before reconnecting. 

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