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Guys, I'm gonna start adding GIF's to help you visualize how I imagine the character look or act at that moment. I hope it helps!

I get into Betty's room and find the air mattress Alice mentioned.

"Alright you two, goodnight." Alice says, closing the door as I enter.

I avoid talking to Betty. I needed to think about what had happened. I had to make a decision.

"Thanks again, Jug. If it weren't for you I would probably still be drunk off my ass." she says with a laugh.

I pull a fake laugh out as well.

I lay on the mattress uncomfortably, I hate sleeping in jeans, I forgot to grab my spare pajamas from Archie's because of that whole Ronnie situation.

"What's wrong?" the drinks had totally worn off of Betty, but she still scrunched her nose in pain, I assume she has a bad headache.

"Nothing. I'm just tired. Goodnight." I say quickly.

"What?" she says.

I ignore her, pretending like I'm falling asleep, my back towards her.

"Jug?" she says.

After Alice telling me she was afraid of Hal, Betty saying she didn't feel safe in her own home and now experiencing first hand how Hal feels towards Betty and I's relationship, my mind was spinning. I loved Betty, but because I love her I'd do anything to keep her safe.

I had to break up with her.


The next morning I wake up at 5, long before Betty. I fold the blankets on the mattress and walk out of Betty's room quietly. I didn't expect anyone to be awake, but I hear someone in the kitchen.

I peer in to find Hal making himself coffee.


"Hi, Hal. I'm heading out."

He stomps towards me.

"Jughead. I hope you got my message last night."

Last night wasn't one of his "sleep walking" episodes. He was awake. He meant it. Who knows if he even has that problem, he could just be using it as an excuse.

I look at him one last time, water building up in my eyes at the thought of loosing Betty. I nod once before walking out the door, closing the door behind me.

Tears now fall down my face. I didn't want to hurt Betty, or loose her, but it had to be done. Hal Cooper was a dangerous man.

I drive off towards my trailer.


After using the bathroom, eating breakfast and getting changed, it's 7:30. I had an hour to prepare myself. I was breaking up with Betty, which meant I'd probably never speak to her again, I wouldn't be able to, not without becoming a mess.


I skip first period, I know Betty would try to talk to me since we have class together. It'd be easy to avoid her the rest of the day. I already passed second and third period as well, meaning it was lunch time. It's likely Betty was looking for me, which mean she'd be coming to my locker any minute to go to lunch together, so I move fast. 

"Jug!" I hear behind me as I close my locker. I wasn't fast enough, the voice sends chills through my body. It was her. 

I hear footsteps getting closer, quickly. Then a grip around my waist from behind. I squeeze my eyes tightly to keep myself from crying, taking in her hold.

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