- c h a p t e r s i x t e e n -

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Over 800 reads. Wow. I have no words. I never expected this you guys, honestly, thank you. 

Warning: Topic of sexual abuse does occur.

We walk out the trailer, worried and confused as to why Sheriff Keller needed us to come with him.

"What is this about, Sheriff?" Betty says, her arm linked with mine as we get into the back of the officer's car.

He ignores her. We drive in silence, passing the Police Station.

"Uhm, Sheriff Keller you missed the station."

"We aren't going to the station." he responds sternly.

"What the hell is going on?" Betty whispers.

"I wish I knew." I whisper back.

We pull up to the hospital, my heart dropping. Something happened to someone in Betty's family, what else could it be? 

"Wh-Why are we here?" Betty stumbles.

He get's out of the car, opening the door closer to Betty, standing to the side for us to get out.

"It's your mom, Betty." he says, walking towards the door without look at us.

Betty stops in her tracks.

"N-No she was just at the trailer." she shakes her head in disbelief.

"C'mon, Betts." I say, moving her with my hand on her back in hopes that seeing her mom would make her feel better.

Sheriff Keller was already inside talking to a nurse.

"She'll take you to the room." he says.

We follow the nurse down the long halls, Betty's breath increasing in anticipation. 

"Here you go." the nurse says opening the door to the room.

Immediately, Betty runs towards her mom, tears now streaming down her face.

"Oh my god, mom!" Betty says..

"It seems someone hit her multiple times. She'll be okay, miss, don't worry." the nurse says before walking away.

"I knew I shouldn't have left her alone with him." Betty shakes her head.

I but my hand on her head and turn her body away from her mother, hugging her with her face buried into my chest. I feel the warmth of her breath as she cries hysterically. As she lays asleep, Alice's face was covered in cuts, her arms bruised and bloody. I can see nail marks in her arms as well, the harsh grip of her abusive husband. 

"It's gonna be okay, Betty. She's gonna be okay." I say in comfort.

When I look back at Alice, she is now awake.

"Mom are you okay?" Betty smiles at her now conscious mother.

"I'm fine, honey."

"Hi, Alice." I smile. 

"Jughead, good to see you." she says weakly. "I'm so glad you could come, I asked Sheriff to bring you both, I wanted to see you."

"Oh, of course." I nod, now standing behind Betty's chair.

 "Mom, what happened?" Betty whines.

"After I came home from your trailer, Jughead, Hal attacked me. He said 'I should be satisfied enough with just his company', that there was 'no need to look for you'." 

"I'm so sorry, mom. I should've been there. The truth is, I have been staying with Jughead, I asked not to say anything. I'm so sorry, I should've told y-"

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