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Okay can we take a minute because I just realized that I wrote the thing about Betty moving in with Jug because she didn't feel safe at home (chapter 9) before episode 16... and in episode 16 Betty moves in with Jug because she doesn't feel safe with Chic in the house. WHAT. I THINK I'M PSYCHIC. Anyways, please comment guys, I want feedback!! 

Given the party is at Veronica's house, everyone would be dressing a little more formal than usual, just common practice. Betty picks out a white button up and black dress pants for me.

"This." she says lifting it up.

"C'mon, that's a little much, don't you think?" 

"No, everyone will be wearing things like this, kinda semi-formal. It's odd to be in that apartment wearing regular clothes. Plus, Veronica is turning it into a congrats party for Arch on his song with the Pussycats, so it's a little more formal."

"Okay, fine." I say taking the clothes from her hands. 

"I'm gonna take a shower quickly, okay?" I tell Betty as she picks out clothes for the party.

"Okay." she nods, looking up from her drawer.

As I get into the bathroom my mind traces back to this morning, making my heart beat just as fast as earlier. 


"Almost ready?" I say opening the room door after taking my shower, drying my hair with a towel.

I walk in to find her curling her hair, wearing a white silk tank top tucked into an army green corduroy skirt, paired with white heels.

"Wow." I say, astonished at how she looks.

She blushes looking down and shaking her head with a smile.

"C'mon, Jug, why do you keep doing that."

"Because, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Hell - anyone has ever seen."

She lets go of her hair, it falls curled from the rod. I walk closer towards her slowly. She unplugs the curler-thing and sets it on the table next to us. 

"No I'm not." she says, her gaze still in the mirror that hangs above the chest-of-drawers.

I now stand behind her. I rest my chin on her shoulder as she looks at me in the mirror, my arms around her waist.

"You are." I say looking at her in the mirror, twisting a single curl between my fingers.

Her eyes flutter, her chest expanding, no words. She blinks a couple more times before letting out a breath, getting out a dainty silver necklace from the small pouch in her drawer in front of us. I take it from her hands, standing up straight. She pulls her hair to one side and once again, a vision of this morning flashes through my mind. I hook the necklace on and she smooths her hands over it. I can see goosebumps on her neck, the peach-fuzz standing. I tuck her hair behind her ear, then resting my hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently. Still looking at each other in the mirror, she takes my hand from her shoulder and holds it before turning to face me.

"Thank you." she finally responds with a kiss on my cheek. 


We enter the Pembrooke to classical music playing, Smithers at the door. The party was being held in the party hall on the ground floor.

"Hi Jughead, Betty." he welcomes us, taking our coats. Me being me, I still wear a black jean jacket over the formal attire, it's my thing.

"Thank you." we both smile.

"Hi Arch!" Betty says hugging our friend. "I'm so happy for you! Congrats on the Pussycat song, it's gonna be a great start to your music."

Archie wears a similar outfit to mine, but a blue top and tan pants.

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