- c h a p t e r f o u r t e e n -

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This takes place 2 months after the previous chapter, so make sure you have read everything through properly before this! By the way, the last chapter took place on a thursday. And the whole Jason murder solving story is the exact same as the show, besides Archie being there to help.

It's been two months since I promised Betty and Veronica we'd start fresh. And I didn't lie. After that morning, we walked out of the bathroom determined. 

Betty, Veronica, Kevin and I had figured out the true murderer of Jason Blossom. Not my father, but Jason's own father, Clifford Blossom. The harsh reality behind the sad story forever stealing Riverdale of it's innocence. Thanks to the help of Kevin's ex, Joaquin, we saw the murder with our own two eyes, scarred as we stared in shock sitting in Betty's room. And though we hoped for my father's release, they held him for a false confession even though it was to protect me, to keep me from suffering the same fate as Jason Blossom. 

Archie never apologized. He didn't even try after hearing our opinions that Thursday morning. Sure, it was different without him, but much less dramatic. Veronica had turned to Reggie Mantle for comfort after all this, soon turning their friendship into a romance. Cheryl was different too, after being told Betty was her cousin she had taken Archie's spot in our group. 

We learned that Betty's problem occurred to release anger or sadness, but now that Betty was much happier it hadn't happened for the past 2 months. 

As for our relationship, she made me happier than ever. That week two months ago there was definitely a sultriness to Betty, and I wanted nothing more than all of her. But after the Archie incident, it wasn't on our minds, we haven't done anything more than kiss and cuddle. 

 Okay, I'm sorry that was so short but it's just a time jump transition, catch you guys up on all that happened in two months. It is now mid-April in the story so, yeah!!

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