- c h a p t e r e i g h t -

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Oh my god, thank you guys so much for over 200 reads! I swear I was just at 120 a few days ago, thank you so much. The next few chapters start getting into the main story line so, please, stay with me!

Veronica shuts the door behind her.

I won't be going back out there. I think. I wasn't one to be surrounded by multiple people, it just wasn't my scene. As much as I wanted to make Veronica happy by going out there and having some "fun", I just didn't find these kinds of things fun. 

I open my phone back up and scroll over Instagram. 

"Woah, they're quick." I say to myself, as there are hundreds of posts of this party on everyone's stories around my page. 

Suddenly, Archie frantically barges in.

"Jug! Come, quick!"

I immediately worry. What is so important? 

"Look!" he says, pointing at a girl in a white tank top, her blonde hair a mess as she dances around sexually, the boys watching her. Almost unrecognizable, the girl was Betty.

"Oh my god." I say.

I march through the crowd.

"Get the hell out of my way." I yell.

It's like I could feel the eyes on her, every boy's, even some girls',  jaws on the floor, drooling. Disgusting.

After much struggle, I reach the center of the circle in Archie's living room along with Betty.

"Betts." I press.

She continues to dance, almost as if she was putting on a show for them. I don't think she heard me.

"Betty. Stop." I say getting closer.

She stops, looking up and smiling widely.

"J-juggie." she stumbles. Her breath burns my eyes. She had drank a lot.

She loosely walks closer to me, her finger flopping onto my chest.

"You.. you look veeeeeeery sexxyy.. right no- right now." she slurs.

The room is silent.

I hold her close to me, keeping her head under my hand as I take her out of the room and into the garage. I help her sit on the couch. She gets right back up.

I can already hear the party continuing, as if nothing had just happened. Veronica, Archie and Kevin come in following us.

"Oh my god, is she okay?" Veronica asks.

"She would've been if you didn't make her drink." I say sternly.

"Jug, I didn't think it would get this bad." she says apologetically.

"Hey, Jughead, it's not her fault. Betty got out of hand."

"I shouldv'e been watching her, she's going through a lot right now, I should've known." I say.

"Stop, Jug!" Veronica says coming close to me. "Listen, it isn't any of our fault. Knock yourself down as much as you want, there was no way to keep watch on her with that many people in this small house. It's too chaotic."

As if we weren't talking about her the whole time, Betty still stands beside me, quietly.

"I'm boreddddd." Betty whines. "I am gonnnna go back." 

I grab her as she stumbles towards the door. 

"Nope. No you're not."

"Betty, are you feeling okay?" Kevin says.

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