~Chapter 14~

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Genevieve's POV

I was still angry after what happened even though the accident happened 2 days ago. Michael kept calling; telling me he was sorry for Diana's behavior.

I was working today in my home office on Diana's wedding dress trying to put the so little information I had together.

Nobody was at the apartment. Not a single sound was heard only Landon making certain baby noises.

Suddenly a knock came from the front door. I got up from my desk; confused. I looked at my attire which consisted of a white large shirt and some tight, boxer shorts, with long grey socks.
I doubt the person at the door will care, it we probably the old lay next door.

I left Landon on the floor and went to open the door. I gasped as I looked at the mang ywho stood before me. Michael.

" Why are you here?" I said hiding my attire behind the door.

"because you don't answer any of my calls."

I rolled my eyes and closed the door. But he put his foot in the door and pushed me aside for him to come in.

" Oh gee, it seems you knew I was coming so you decided to wear that." he said pointing at my clothes.

I crosses my arms and sighed heavily
" does your fiance know where your at?"

"she knows I'm over here I told her I came to talk."

I ignored him and took Landon putting him in his crib .

" nice place." he said looking around.

" I know." I said cockily

"I'm going to take a shower and you take of your son."

I closed the door; locking it and turned on the warm water before stepping out my clothes.

Michael POV

I sat with Landon on my lap while my back was to the bathroom door and talked to her.

"so did you tell Diana the reason you left me?"

"I told her but I didn't give her the reason. did you tell her?"

" no, I don't want to tell her."

" you don't make sense sometimes you say you don't love her and you say you can't leave or lose her"

"I tried once to leave but she was holding me back saying she was pregnant than a month later told me it's was a hysterical pregnancy." I said

" all the guys were telling me she did it on purpose to make me stay because I already had a foot out the door."

" I don't want to hurt her, If I left her I'd feel guilty. Were getting older and I think I'm not gonna find anybody else. I just wanna settle down and have kids already and I missed that chance with you. If I had one more chance with you and you wanted me back I would come back to you but you say no that you don't love me anymore, but  I still do.

" in some universe if I just magically fell in love with you again, would you leave her for me?" she said

"yes, I'm gonna get you back I know it."

I know she rolled her eyes by my little comment.
" who knows you cut too deep into my heart and left me scared." she said

" And deep down I know you think once a cheater always a cheater but I changed since then I'm also scared to lose you and Landon once again.

" I'm going to be honest with you and tell you the truth. The real reason why I can't leave her is not just I'm afraid and the guilt but I dug a hole to deep and I can't get out hurting anybody unless she leaves." I said

"a-and Excuse my language but she's a bitch. She always fucking talking and rude. I also know she still messing around with her best friend Pete, but once I see them together I'll leave her ."  I said honestly.

I suddenly fell backwards due to the fact my back was on the door and she opened it.

For the first time I heard her laugh.

Genevieve's POV

"how about you come over and stay for a week at Neverland and you do can work with Diana."

I choked on air " I don't think so ."

He looked me up and down since I only had a robe on and was wet from the shower.

" I-I can convince you."

I smirked walking up to him seductively " you wanna show me how?" I whispered against his ear.

He trembled and nodded.
" well too bad!" I said before laughing and walking back to the bathroom.

After changing and lots of convincing I packed clothes for both of us.

I told Michael we should take separate cars since it was for the best.

We arrived back where it all started and was told my luggage would be taken to the guest room.

We went in to the sitting room and Diana stood there with the fakest smile I'd have ever seen.

"Can I hold my son." she said emphasising on the son part.

" Bitc- first of all he ain't your son you might be Michael's fiance but till you get married you ain't gonna call him shit."

She rolled her eyes "fuc-." she was cut off by Michael grabbing my hand pulling me to the guest room.

"Damn!" I said pulling his hand away from me.

He rolled his eyes at me "your staying in this guest room, but if you don't like it you can get a different one just tell one of the maids to help you. Even if you don't feel comfortable in the room there are keys to the guest room in the kitchen ."

"No I'm staying here I don't mind." I said opening the door.

He nodded before putting his hands in his pocket awkwardly.
"So she's leaving in about an hour how about we go watch a movie?"

"Yeah sound fun let me unpack ,but you better not try any games ."

"I wont." he winked before closing the door behind him.

I finished unpacking and went into the theater with my silky PJs  on and saw Michael wearing a white tee with sweats.

"Damn I never thought I'd see the Michael Jackson wearin sweats."

He laughed as I got Landon from him. He had on cute reindeer pjs so I had to take millions of pictures of him.

" what do you want to watch?" he asked.

" anything really but has to be Disney."

" Lion King it is."

I clapped my hands excitedly.

"Before the movie starts and the snacks come I called my mother and she said she wanted to meet Landon and stay with him for a day." he said taking a seat.

" oh yeah definitely." I said

Michael sat with Landon on his lap as I sat next to him. I rested my head on his shoulder as the movie began and then the snacks came thing and before I knew it my eyes shut.


I woke up to Michael shaking me.
" mmmm what...?" I mumbled

" it's late we gotta go to bed."

I panicked " where's my baby?!"

"shhhh don't worry he's in the house asleep in your room.

I nodded my head as Michael carried me to the room.

He gently placed me down and felt the bed sink. Thinking Michael would lay next to me but he didn't. He kissed my forehead and whispered to me
" I promise I'll get you both back ."

We're the last words I heard before drifting off.

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