Chapter 1

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Today's date: May of 2017 (In the story. Also keep in mind that it is the old Team Ten house and the people are the people from the old Team Ten house Ex. Tessa)

Okay, okay I'm just going to come out and say it. There may be a small chance that Erika and I are not just best friends. I mean I really don't know what we are because we never really discussed it. All I really know is that I am so in love with her.

Did I mention that I had a huge crash on Jake. I think he would say the same because we kinda act like a couple. But we never said that we actually were. Also if you were wondering we never told anyone from Team Ten or any of our fans. It is really hard to keep such a big secret like that from your best friends but, me and Jake are trying really hard to do so. We really want to keep our relationship (or whatever we are) a secret. I mean some fans are shipping us from in the vlogs so we have to act like we don't really like each other on camera. I mean Jake kinda acts like he likes me in the vlogs but I act like I don't like him.Oh and don't even get me started on how to deal with the paparazzi. It is just such a struggle to not let out your feelings about the person that you are so in love with to anyone at all really.

I wish we could just tell the whole world about us but we can't. The reason being is because so many people have to break up because it is really hard to be a couple on YouTube. Also we kinda just don't want to be that couple that vlogs our relationship.We don't tell anyone on Team Ten because we are scared on what they would think about us. They probably would think its weird because Erika and I are like best friends.So for right now I guess it is just Erika and I or, Jerika.

Heyo😅I  have so many ideas for this book so I hope you guys will like it. Well Byeeee  ily💖

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