Chapter 8

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If anyone were to find out about this whole situation I'm really glad it was Kade. He is just someone you can really trust. We left the office after a long talk. Erika went upstairs with Tessa and I stayed down stairs with the boys. All of a sudden Chance started talking about how he had a little crash on Tessa. Basically everyone really knew about this because they always flirted with each other.Then Chance asked Me the one question I really did not want to be asked.

Chance-"How about you Jake, are you crushing on anyone at the moment"( turns toward Jake)

Anthony-"Oooooo Jake"

I tried to act as casual as possible but inside I was freaking out on what I would say.

Jake-" not really bro"(asking a little suspicious)

Chance-"Dude really there has to be someone"

Jake-"Really Chance I'm not into anyone right now"

Chance-"Bro are you sure.Come on we're your best friends"

Jake-"Yeah I know but really there is no one"

It hurt me inside that I had to lie to my best friends but it was for the best. Back in high school we used to talk about girls we liked all the time.Thats probably why Chance keeps thinking that there is someone.BECAUSE THERE IS. But he doesn't need to know that.

Chance-"Jake are you sure your not lying to me"

Jake-"Yeah I'm sure"

He finally stopped asking me if there was anyone and I was glad. Then they started talking about him and Tessa again. I was just so happy that conversation was over. Now I just wondered what the girls were talking about.

Tessa and I started to talk about how cute her and Chance would be together. I really think that they would be such a cute couple.Literally they flirt all the time and we all know they like each other.

Tessa-"Hey how about you Erika. Do you have anyone special in mind"

Oh shit.

Erika-"Nah not really"

Tessa-"Oh come on Erika seriously. I think it may be time for you to not be single anymore"

Erika-"No  I'm totally fine.Single life is the best."

Little does she know I'm not single.

Tessa-"Really Erika I think we should go to the Grove and try and find you a guy. Really you can't be single forever"

Erika-"No I'm serious  I think I'm good"

Tessa-"Okay well tell me when your ready to find a guy"

We started laughing and I was a little nervous now. What if Tessa actually will try and get me a guy. I mean what in the world would I even do in that situation.

Heyooooo! Hope y'all are liking the story. ILY GUYS SO MUCH💚💚Also thank you so much for people who vote. Ily💖

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