Chapter 13

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We looked over to see Jake and Erika actually  holding hands and walking together.

Tessa-"I KNEW IT...!"(screamed)

Chance-"Shhhh Tessa they could have heard you"(whisper)

Tessa-"oh sorry...I knew it"(whispers)

Chance-"Okay so know we know this is totally real what should we..."


I looked over to see that both of them stopped, looked over at each other, and... Tessa and I looked  at each other with the most surprised face I've ever probably made... They had just kissed.Now I know that sounds like we're 5 year olds that are so surprised like OMG THEY JUST KISSED WOOOOW! But that's is definitely not why we looked so surprised. The real reason why is that now we have full evidence on Jerika being real.

Jake and I decided to come back home after our little walk. It was so nice to get some alone time with Jake because back at the Team Ten house that doesn't happen often.Before we went home though we decided to get some froyo.
We both ordered our froyo and sat down.

Erika-"I miss this. Just the two of us without having to worry about anyone around us."

Jake-"Yeah I do too.You're literally my best friend that happens to be my girlfriend. I love you so much Rik."

Erika-"Aw I love you too."

Jake has always been such a sweetheart. He always knows how to make me smile and he's just so cute. I'm so lucky.

OMG hey boos! I am literally soooooo sry that I haven't posted in like what 4 months. There was just so much going on in my life and to be honest I totally forgot about writing this story. I am just sooo sry. It's been so long that I forgot what my own story was even about and I literally had to go back and read it😂.So I will try and post as much as I can for the people who r still here(aka probably no one😂.) I'll probably not be able to post everyday (bro.I'm sorry I'll stop😂) but I'll try and post more. Ily guys so much and probably no one is still here reading this but if u are I literally love u so much❤️❤️Byeeee.

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