Chapter 10

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I had such a strange feeling that Jake was up to something. What I mean is that I think he might be lying to me. I feel like Jake really likes someone but won't tell us. I don't know how to explain it but I can just tell when my best friend is keeping something from me. I knew I should probably just let him be because he probably doesn't want us to know or something. But I was just so determined that I couldn't. I had to find out if Jake has a girl that he is hiding.
It was the next morning. I got up and was about to go see if anyone else was up.I saw Tessa just siting on the stairs looking like she had something on her mind too.
I went over the see what was wrong.

Chance-"Hey Tessa,are you good"

Tessa-"Yeah well... Here just come here"

I followed Tessa into the office were no one was.

Tessa-"Okay so has Jake been acting weird or something. Maybe that like he is hiding something from you"

Chance-"OH MY GOD YEAH! Wait you have seen it too. I mean he is definitely hiding like a girl or something

Tessa-"Well no but I thought that way about Erika"

Chance-"Wait really?"

Tessa-"Yeah I know it's really weird but I  put the clues together and...Okay well you have to promise you won't tell anyone about this and I mean anyone"

Chance-"Of course I wouldn't"

Tessa-"Okay so I found out that Jake and Erika are in a relationship"


Tessa told me the whole story on why she knows that for sure. I was really just in shock. I mean Jake and Erika together it was really just strange. They are literally like the same person and are best friends.I would've never thought that they would date.

Chance-"Okay so we'll just keep this between us okay"


I wake up and saw that Erika was still asleep. I kissed her on the head but she still didn't get up.So I decided to let her be. I walked downstairs and saw Tessa and Chance just walk out of the office. It was so weird because they looked like they were hiding something.

Jake-"Hey guys"

Chance-"Hey Jake wassup"

Jake-"Nothin much"

He was still looking at me like he knew something. It was a little creepy to be honest.I was so confused. And why were they both in the office?

Haiii! I am so so sorry that I haven't been posting and I know I always say that but I really just am so busy and it's really hard to try to put together something I think you guys would like. Ily all and I will try my best to start posting more often ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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