Chapter 15

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Jake and I were in his room together getting ready for bed.

Erika-"Aw shit I forgot my hairbrush in my room. I'm gonna go get it"

Jake-" Ok babe"

I walked out of Jakes room trying my best to act cool and make sure no one sees me but thank god no one did.I think I was trying to act a little too cool because when I got to the bottom of the stairs I tripped and fell literally on my face.

Erika-"Well that was embarrassing"(whispering and laughing)

I got up and walked over to my room and opened the door. I looked up and...

Erika-"AHHHHH!"( screams)

I fucking fell again but this time I fell on my ass. Wow I'm pretty clumsy.

Tessa-"Omg Rik are you okay?"( helping Erika get up)

Erika-" Yeah I'm fine but what the hell are you guys doing in my room!"

Chance-" Uh well...we kinda just wanted to get some alone time with just Tessa and I and we thought since maybe you were not in your room that no one would expose us for being in here"

Well that is a little weird. I don't really understand why they couldn't have just gone in Tessa's room but I'm mean okay.

Erika-"Oh okay well sorry about kinda getting a little salty at you guys"

Tessa-"It's okay Rik. I'm sorry about going in your room without telling you"

Erika-"Thats okay T"

I went in and hugged Tessa.

I heard someone from upstairs coming down the stairs.

Jake-"What just happened. I heard someone screamed."

Erika-"We're fine I just got scared and screamed"

Jake-"Oh okay"

Erika-"Well guys I'm going to get to bed. Goodnight everyone"

Tessa & Chance-"Goodnight"

Tessa and Chance both went upstairs in there rooms and I got my brush and went back upstairs with Jake. Jake and I had some meetings we had to go to tomorrow so we decided we should just go to sleep. While we were laying in bed all I could think about was why Tessa and Chance were in my room. I think I might be over thinking this but really who wouldn't be confused on way people were in your room while you didn't know.

Erika-"Hey Jake"(wispering)


Erika-"Do you really think Tessa and Chance were in my room just to have alone time"

Jake-"I have no idea. I mean it was kinda weird that they went in your room when they could have gone anywhere else"

Erika-"I know right. You know what, it's fine I'm probably just overthinking this"


Erika-"Well goodnight babe. I love you"

Jake-"I love you too Erika. Goodnight"

Haii boos! Hope you guys are enjoying the story still. Ily guys. Hope you all have an amazing day💕💗

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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