Chapter 4

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It was Jake.

Texting From On Erikas Phone...

❤️Jake❤️-"Hey babe 💚When r u coming back?

Erika-"Hey Jake😊We're eating lunch rn so we'll probably be home very soon"

❤️Jake❤️-"Oh okay, I'm just missing you"

Erika-"Awe I miss you too but I have to go, our food is coming"

❤️Jake❤️-"Okay come home soon"

Erika-"I will bye Jake😍💖"

❤️Jake❤️-"Bye Erika😘"

I turned off my phone and Tessa smiled at me.

Tessa-"So Who was that"

Erika-"Oh it was just Jake. He wanted to know when we were coming home"

Tessa-"Huh that's weird why would he care when we come home"(looks confused)

Erika-"Uh he probably just wanted us in his vlog or something"(looks down)

I told you, I got pretty good at coming up with these excuses. I just really wish I could just tell Tessa about Jake and I but, Jake wants to keep it a secret. I guess I do too but Tessa is my best friend and she would understand out of everybody. There has been so many times were we have gotten so close to getting exposed. For example the other day...

Flashback to the other day

Jake and I were in his room on his bed looking at Instagram. He went to my account and saw the picture I just posted of myself in Team Ten merch. Always plug.

Jake-"Awe your so cute"(looking at Erika and smiling)

Erika-"Shut up no I'm not"

Jake-"Yeah you are. Your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen"(smiling at her)

Erika-"Awe Jake your so sweet"(blushing)

He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back of course and it started to turn into a make out until someone walked in.

Nathan-"Hey bro I just..

We pulled away as fast as we could and I said the first thing that came to my mind. It was pretty random.

Erika-"Bro you better tag me in that picture

Jake looked at me and caught on pretty quick.

Jake-"Oh yeah I will" (Turns to look at Nathan)
"Oh hey Nathan what's up. Didn't see you there"

I don't know what's going on but I swear I thought I just saw Erika and Jake kissing. I opened the door and saw them kissing them blinked and then they weren't. I guess it was just my eyes because there we just talking about Instagram and tagging people.I mean that was really random because they don't even like each other. It's so weird.Well I guess it was just nothing.

Back From Flashback

Yeah it was pretty close. I just wish people would know the truth but I guess it's alright for now.

Hey people😅Hope you guys are enjoying it so far. I'm trying to make this story more realistic than my last story if that makes sense.I don't really think it does but whatever😂Anyways see you guys soon❤️Ily

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