Chapter 9

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I really don't know what it was but I just had a feeling that Erika wasn't telling the truth. I knew Erika isn't much of a person who dates a lot of guys but I really think that this time she is into someone. Or maybe is already even dating someone. I don't even know where this all came from but I had such a strong feeling about this. I was thinking all of this when Erika left to go to the bathroom. All of a sudden her phone went off. I went over to go get her phone off the charger to go give it to her. But then something caught my eye. I looked down to see the text she just got and...OH MY GOD. Is this real. There is actually no way. The text was from Jake and it said...

❤️Jake❤️-Hey babe💚Wassup

What does this all mean. First of all Jakes name has hearts in her contacts but also he called her babe. OMG. I started putting all the clues together. This morning Erika came out of Jakes room saying she was getting some merch but she looked like she just woke up or something.Also Jake has been saying to Erika on the vlog if you were a dude I would still date you. Then at lunch Erika was texting him but she told me that he needed us in the vlog yet he never did. Also I saw Erika walk in the office where Jake was and closed the door which no one really ever does.So...does this mean Jake and Erika were dating and they were keeping it a secret.There is just no way. I heard Erika coming so I put her phone back on the charger just like it was and went back to where I was sitting. She came back and went straight to her phone. She looked at the message and smiled. What in the world is going on.

Tessa-"Oh yeah I was going to tell you your phone went off"

Erika-"Oh thanks T"

I wasn't much of a nosey person usually but I just had to know what was happening. I was so confused.I just had to now if Jake and her were actually dating. But I didn't want to tell her that I knew because I want her to tell me when she's ready. Which I don't really think anytime soon because she hasn't said anything about this.

Tessa-"Who was it"

Erika-"Oh it was nothing"

Omg she just said it was nothing. This means she is trying to keep it a secret.Wow does this mean that My best friend is really dating Jake.

Heyo! Hope you guys are enjoying so far. Sorry about not posting a lot. I always forget and am usually really busy. Well Ily guys ❤️See you later..

Jerika~Our Little SecretWhere stories live. Discover now