Chapter 2

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*Beep Beep Beep* I wake up to the sound of Jakes annoying alarm on his phone.He must of turned it on so that he would wake up to go to Bazaarvark to film in the morning. (Rip Disney Channel Flow😂)I turned over and he was already out of bed.Guess I have to turn it off. I hit off and decided I should probably get up too before someone found me in here.I heard Jake downstairs and it sounded like he was already vlogging. I got up, put on some of Jakes merch and headed downstairs, but before I could Tessa stopped me in the hallway.

Tessa-"Hey Rik whatcha doing up so early"

Erika-"Hey T um I was just getting some merch from Jakes room"

Being in this whole secret relationship thing we have going on, Jake and I have gotten pretty damn good at coming up with these excuses. I mean you kinda have to lie a little if you don't want people to know the truth.

Tessa-"Oh that's cool. Hey!Wanna  hang out today?We could make it a girls day"

Erika-"Yeah I'd love too.We should probably start out with some breakfast though before we both get hangry"(laugh)

Tessa-"Yeah your so right"

We walked down the stairs and Jake was still vloging so, T and I decided that first thing we should go to the gym and then get some smoothies. But before that I had to tell Jake that we were going to leave.

Erika-"Hey Jake, we're heading to the gym so I'll see you later"

Jake-"Alright but before you go Erika..."(turns toward Erika)


Jake-"If you were a dude!"(pointing the camera at her and laughing)

I looked at the camera and rolled my eyes.

Haiii!I hope this story will turn out to be pretty lit😂(I'll just stop now)Anyways Ily boos ❤️Byeeeeeeee

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