Chapter 6

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Kade paused the video and turned around to look at me. All of my thoughts just rushed though my brain.I could feel my face starting to turn red. I didn't even know what to say or even do.


I could barely speak. I can't believe that today I actually might blow Erika and my cover.I wish Erika was here. She always knew what to do in these situations. Me ,well I'm not really good at coming up with these excuses.Erika was so much better at this then me.I need to try really hard to think so that I don't blow our cover.But Kade already saw it. How am I supposed to come up with an excuse for this.

Kade-"So uh Jake. I'm a little confused here is there something that I don't know about"

My face was bright red at this point. I know it was just a kiss but it was just the fact that now Kade might know the truth . I didn't even know what to say. I don't think I could even come up with an excuse for this. I think I might have to tell Kade the truth.

Tessa and I just got home from our girls day. It was so nice to spend the whole day with my best friend. I just love Tessa.

Tessa-"Hey, I'm going to go put all this stuff in my room"

Erika-"Oh okay. Thanks again T for that awesome day"

Tessa-"Awe no thank you"

Tessa went upstairs and I went to go look for Jake.I heard people talking in the office so I thought that Jake might be in there.I opened the door and...

Hey guys sorry this chapter is so short but I wanted to give you people something for today. Anyways ily guys❤️😄

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