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***5:30 PM***

I closed the door silently behind me. "Aidan!" I tried shouting, in an attempt to see if he was home.

"Yeah? What's up?" He entered the living room, where I was standing, in an electric blue suit.

"Damn, what's the formal though?" I chuckled, slapping him lightly on the back.

"Ugh, you wouldn't understand," Aidan teased, patting me on the head and heading back to his room.

"I'm 21, Aidan," I screamed back at him, laughing.

"Yeah, and it's about time you got yourself a girlfriend," he giggled.

"Well, I had Travis."

"I thought you said you never wanted to talk about that ever again?"

"Shut up. You know I have no one now."

"Really? No one?"

"What are you trying to say?"

Aidan entered the living room again, this time with a dapper hat on his head. "Do I look like Sherlock yet?" He posed in multiple positions, causing me to almost throw up laughing.

"Maybe. What do you want me to say?"

"Yes, of course! I want to look like some sketch 50-year-old."

"But seriously, what were you trying to say?" I begged.

"If you go to Fondoli, there's absolutely no way you can walk out single." He laughed nervously.

This is my chance to bring up Devin, I thought to myself. "So... how about you?"

"What about me?" He smiled, obviously trying to tug at my corners.

"Who did you leave Fondoli with?" I winked at him, indirectly trying to force him to tell me.

"Heh. Too many people to list." He started to count on his fingers then continued, "Bethany, Andrea, Raquel, Maggie, Tiffany, even Paxton..."

"Any boys in particular?" I caused him to grin apprehensively, shaking my head up and down with fun.

"Oh yeah! Too many! Eric, Derek, Andrew..."

"You've hooked up with all these people?!"


"Aidan, I'm not surprised anymore why Mom and Dad kicked you out as early as possible."

"Gee thanks."

Something in me wanted to throw it right at him and make him suffer. The other side of me, however, argued for myself to think differently. Without thinking much, I asked, "So...going on a date with Devin, huh?"

"What? No."

"You need to stop lying."

"Yeah, I know." He paused for a second. "Fondoli gossip, am I right?"


"Piece of shit." He ruffled my hair playfully.

"Why didn't you want to tell me?"

"Well, for starters, I didn't know you were going to be comfortable with the whole idea of me being bisexual. And according to plan, I wasn't supposed to tell you yet. I had this idea that I was going to overwhelm you with everything going on if I told you. It just seemed too early."

"Great. At least you told me."

"Hey, I got to go, but if you need something text me!" The next thing I knew, he was out the door and had entered a car that pulled up onto our driveway.

Just as I was about to turn the TV on to watch a movie, I heard the sound of a paper crumbling as I turned around to reach for the remote. I checked the couch if there was any random paper lying around in curiosity. Unfortunately, there was absolutely nothing there. Suddenly, I felt a piece of paper stab my waist. I realized that it was protruding from inside my pocket. I reached inside my pocket to examine what it was. The note read, "916-357-8310. Text me. -Vamp".

In the blink of an eye, I had my phone out and I was already entering in her number.

-Kacii. hey

-Elle. ha. knew you would find it

-Kacii. smarter than you think ;)

-Elle. oh really?

-Kacii. yep

-Elle. but hey do you wanna go out sometime

My heart went crazy at the thought of us together. Sure, Elle seemed like some mysterious girl I just met, but something about her seemed worth risking every single part of me for.

-Kacii. sure

-Elle. cool. meet me in front of Fondoli tomorrow at 5

-Kacii. ooh dangerous girl i see

-Elle. i must admit, i'm a fool for you ;))

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