Rue The Day

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"No!" Aidan screamed in a harsh tone, reaching out to grab my hand so we could leave. He was easily stopped by one of the guys and pushed aside to the curb once again.

The now empty streets were once filled with both children and adults fleeing away to leave the scene only minutes before.

"And what if we call the damn police?" Devon reasoned, taking his phone out of his pocket.

"I'll have my 'lil friends here beat you up. You hear that? Do I hear the sound of someone surrendering?" Travis turned to face me once again. "What's the choice, Ce-Ce? Wanna come back to my arms to beg for forgiveness or do you wanna force me to hurt your little group here?"

I paused for a long second to process everything that was going on. "Travis, what happened? You used to be one of my closest friends I thought I could share anything with...and though you had your flaws, you were the most down-to-earth, easygoing friend I could always turn to." My eyes almost started flooding with tears. "What happened?" I repeated once again—quieter this time—rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

For a moment the slightest amount of pity revealed itself in his enigmatic, emerald eyes. He seemed to have brushed it all off seconds later, saying, "You're blind. Nothing's happened. You were still the stupid piece of shit I fell for in high school—long dark brown ponytail, clumsy behavior, and those damn sweet innocent eyes. And you've always love me. No girl, no boy. But me. Only me."

"Kacii! Whatever you do—don't agree! Don't let him manipulate you. You know yourself more than he ever will. Don't you doubt it. You're a beautiful girl and Devon and I are both willing to stay here for you. Just please—don't..."

All of a sudden, Travis ordered one of his "minions" to punch Aidan in the face, knocking him out immediately.

"Three seconds, babe."

I turned to look over at Devon and signaled for help.

He seemed absolutely reluctant to even say something, though he was the most buff out of all of us.


"I just wish you could understand..." I tried, stepping back.


"Please, really. We were so close. Don't you ever just want to be like that again?"


"Travis, please just..."


"I...I...I'll be your girlfriend." I hesitantly said, wanting to sprint away like I've always done before.

"Kacii!" Devon yelled one last time, before Travis sloppily kissed me on the lips.

"You really think this is going to be easy? Because it isn't gonna be." And with that, he slapped me across my face with full force, causing me to fall into Devon's arms.

"You pathetic bi***! You..." Devon cried, stopping immediately as Travis' deadly stare met with his eyes.

"Well. I had fun." He chuckled evilly then retreated to their car, which was parked somewhere down south.

"What's your damn problem?!" I screamed, shoving Devon almost off his feet.


"You were standing there the whole damn time and didn't even give a shit about me getting beat up!"

"I'm telling you..."

"Telling me you're sorry? Where is the hope I once thought was here?"

"I can't hurt Travis."

"Oh, and why is that, huh? 'Cause you're one of his minions too?"

"Travis is my cousin."

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