Timeless Tale

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We ended up canceling the rest of the trip for the weekend. Aidan had eventually woken up and acted like nothing had happened. The drive home was deadly silent. There were no stupid chatting, no music from being blasted, and absolutely no excitement.

After a while, I shattered the ice between all three of us with a simple question: "Anyone want to share their insights on exactly what just happened?"

This time, I was behind the wheel and Aidan was sitting next to me. He answered, "I was out majority of the time."

Devon followed up saying, "I...I need to explain..."

I gulped then courageously replied, "Go ahead."

"Look. Travis and I don't have such a pretty past. We used to be childhood best friends, before one fateful day. I still remember it all too clearly. Travis and I were walking home from school hand in hand, sharing secrets along the way as we strolled along. I knew that day I had to break it to him slowly—or else he wouldn't understand. Besides, we were only in 5th grade the time..."

"Travis?" I looked over at his crystal blue eyes, which were scanning for any bullies lurking behind us.

"Yeah, Dev?"

"Can I tell you a big secret?"

"You can tell me anything."

"I...You know that boy Grady?"

"Yep. He talked to me at recess today."

"I like him..." I looked down shamefully at my torn blue Nikes, almost crying in embarrassment.

"Me too," he replied, flashing me his crooked yet sweet smile.


"Of course! Grady is a good friend."

"Oh. I meant to say that I actually...um...like him...like..." I lowered my head. "Differently."

"Do you..."


Travis stopped out of nowhere. "Dev, I thought you were a good cousin! You're disgusting for liking boys. Go away!"

"But...but...I," I struggled, starting to weep.

"I said...go away!" He exclaimed one last time, pointing for me to go the opposite direction.

"Travis...you're my cousin! Please!" I ran up to hug him, but to Travis, that was the last straw.

Travis lunged toward me, grabbed both backpack straps forcefully, and punched me in the stomach twice in absolute anger. "You bigot! Go away!"

At that point I started seeing red.

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