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Three days had past and we were all stoked for the weekend's arrival. Sure—Mrs. Willis barely made all of us work—but we were all just excited to get some rest.

"Hey." Elle said as she approached me.

I ignored her for a fateful second before replying, "Hi." I ambled over to the register to help Aidan out with the fairly long line of customers. I yelled, "Next person, please!"

A girl about the same age as me, or possibly even a little bit younger, walked over to the register. She had the most softest curls humanly possible that stopped right below her elbows. Her hair was a natural hazel color, their tips highlighted with a lighter bronze-like shade. The girl's crisp blue eyes mesmerized me within seconds and her lips uttered out the sweetest sounds I've ever heard. "Just these, please."

"Kacii! Stop swooning over girls!" Elle screamed from the other side of the store, causing me to blush uncontrollably.

The girl laughed immediately and stared into my eyes.

"I'm sorry, that's Elle. She's stupid." I reached over to scan the first item before she gently lay her hand on top of mine and stroked it elegantly.

"The name's Tianna," she said in a quiet whisper.

"Cool. Let me scan your items," I hastily replied, trying to force her to disregard what Elle had just said. I shook Tianna's hand off of mine and started with the first item—a rustic vintage photo frame. I scanned it with a "beep" and continued on until I had finished scanning all of her items. "$50.34," I announced, smiling forcefully as she handed me her card. Just as I leaned over to grab Tianna's card to swipe, she pulled her hand back, causing me to jerk forward the slightest bit.

"I'll give it to you for a kiss," she teased as a grin formed around the corners of her cheeks.

"Um..." I looked over at Aidan, who was helping out an old lady. "'s apart of my job to keep things professional between employees—including myself—and customers."

"Pretty please?" Tianna joked.

I glanced over behind her to search for any more customers in line. There was no one there. Mrs. Willis wasn't in sight anymore. I had absolutely no one to save nor judge me at that moment. It's just one kiss, I argued with myself. How bad can it be? Part of me also debated that it wouldn't be appropriate prior to breaking up with your ex—who was in the same room at that time. "Hand me your card."

Tianna lunged forward, dropped her card in my hand, then planted a sweet kiss on my lips.

I quickly swiped the card, packaged everything safely into paper bags, then handed her her receipt with her card. Next thing I knew, she was out the door.

"Well." Elle walked over to the register and pulled out a chair to sit on. "At least you don't leave empty handed." She chortled, grinning at me weirdly.

I stared her down.

"Wait, so are you two still dating?" Aidan asked.

Elle covered up my mouth and said, "Yeah, we are."

"Nfph! Wve arvend!" I cried, my eyes the size of watermelons.

"Nice." Aidan strolled away, as if nothing sketchy had just happened.

Elle let go of my mouth.

"You piece of shit!" I screamed out, chucking a magazine at Elle.

She just giggled. "Macias, you are one he** of a bi***!"

I tried to leave, but that ended with her tugging at my arm, preventing me from moving. "Let go of me you asshole!"

"Hear me out." She ruffled her hair then continued, "I don't have a fiancée."

"Stop it you son of a..."

"Besides, who would even propose to that desperate, bit*** Alena?"

I paused for a second. "Your stinkin' ass."

"Hey, I know I've got issues, but nothing's as messed up as you for thinking that I would ever like her." She let go of me then shoved me forward. "Now go get back to work if you think I'd ever be kidding about shit like this."

I started for the register before something inside me convinced me to stop. Out of absolutely nowhere, I found myself getting one step closer and closer to Elle's delicate lips. My hands trembled before they found themselves caressing her soft cheeks. Just as my lips started smooching hers, my mind begged for mercy for me to regain my sanity. But absolutely nothing could stop me now.

Elle gave into my cravings and led me through the back door into the storage room, where we continued kissing and kissing under the minimal light that shone from above us. We felt as if we weren't just two innocent girls anymore. We were lovers now.

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