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Soon enough, Elle had rang our doorbell to come pick me up.

I soothed out my shirt and yelled down to Aidan, "I'll answer it! It's my ride. See ya in a bit."

"You're leaving again?" He screamed back to me from the family room as I rushingly made my way down the banister and to the door.

"Yeah, gotta go watch a movie."

"Text me if you need anything this time."

"Okay, okay." I swiftly opened the door, only to hear my stomach lurch. It was her. I've been ignoring her at work for what seemed like the past month. All was still; until the tranquility was broken by a simple greeting.

"Kacii Macias. It's been all too long." She smiled and played with her hair, as if she was almost even flirting.

"Except the fact that for the past month you've absolutely tried too hard to try to talk to me."

"Can you blame me? With a pretty face like yours, who can resist?" Her cheeks flushed red immediately, probably not even planning to say that.

I blushed uncontrollably. "Well." I sighed sarcastically. "Let's get this thing over with."

Elle grinned excitedly. "Hurry up." She unlocked her new Mercedes and took seat in front of the wheel while I sat beside her in the passenger's seat. "Movie starts in 10."

***ALGO'S THEATRE, 8:40 PM***

Once we had arrived at the immense theatre, we instantly got hooked to the sweet aroma of melted butter. After purchasing two large popcorns and two large slushies from the concession stand, we hurried off with our pre-bought tickets over to the correct theatre in which the movie was playing in.

"Made it just in time," Elle whispered to me as we took two seats in the absolute center of the entire room. 

She wasn't wrong; the lights that lit up the walkways faded only seconds after we got seated. The movie was beginning to play.

It had started with the original background story on how Jack and Rose made it on the Titanic. We watched in agony as Rose framed Jack and screamed in terror as the Titanic started sinking. But before all that had happened, there was a special moment in which Jack had brought Rose to the hull of the ship, where he held her as a collection of spring breezes rolled past their faces and hair. I stared over at Elle, who was absolutely fascinated by the climax of their love story.

"Never even watched Titanic as a kid?" I whispered to Elle, giggling quietly.

"Nope. Told you, I had a messed up childhood. We almost barely got the chance to stay together as a so-called 'family'."

During the scene, Jack was acting all romantic and shit. But the setting of the movie theatre was dead silent. Couples below us who were sitting in different rows were busy smooching, but we acted like absolute strangers. 

Suddenly, our eyes met to examine one another in the dreamy haze we were both stuck in. The corners of Elle's lips went upward to form a sweet smile. She leaned in—and before I could stop it—we were kissing to the song that played elegantly in the background, Céline Dion's My Heart Will Go On

When we did pull away from each other, we didn't bear to even look one another in the eye for the next five minutes. But once we did, it was like the first time once again.

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