San Fransisco

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We parked our car in the middle of the bustling city and looked around at the foggy heights, gasping in absolute awe.

"First time?" Devon asked.

"You bet. This place is gorgeous," I replied, snapping photos of the city around us using my phone.

"I grew up here," Devon continued, "and now I'm some immature 25-year-old who doesn't know what he's gonna do with his life."

"Funny you'd say that because I can half-heartedly relate."

Suddenly, Aidan barged into our conversation. "Okay, since you're here on my watch, Kacii—ground rules. One, no random wandering. Two, no falling in love."

"How did that get in there?" Devon raised an eyebrow.

"From bitter experience. Don't. Even. Think. About. It. And three, remember that this was originally a scheduled getaway time for Devon and me. Just tag along and don't be a gigantic burden, alright?"

"I'll handle it."

"Cool." Aidan pulled out Google Maps. "So our first destination is Chinatown. It wasn't my idea, seriously. Blame Devon."

"Hey! They have a cool language and everyday life!" Devon exclaimed.

"It's alright. We should probably explore our Chinese side too," I said.

"Aidan! You never told me you two were Chinese!"

"Half," I corrected him.

"Your mom, I'm guessing?"

"Yep. Went against all odds and married a Spanish dude. Now we're here."

"That's pretty great, must admit." Devon grinned, then followed Aidan down the street and closer and closer to the entrance of the grand Chinatown.

The streets of the massive "village" were full of tourists walking up and down the alleyways, workers scurrying back to their shops from their lunch break, and Chinese grandmas shopping for fruits at the many grocery stands. There were red lanterns and banners all around the place for outdoor decoration.

The place brought back nostalgia from my trip to China last year with Travis. The memories seemed to mix all together and come back to haunt me again. I suddenly remembered the sleepless nights in a one-bed hotel room with my so-called "boyfriend", the days my Chinese relatives would randomly compliment me for "finding such a handsome man", and the fathomless amounts of girls I had met along the way—pretty girls.

All of a sudden, an old lady bumped into me on accident. "对不起,小女儿!" [Sorry, little girl!] She said, a worried expression on her face.

"没关系, " Devon replied confidently in a strong American accent.

The old lady smiled then walked away, impressed.

"Didn't know you were fluent in Chinese," I said.

"Eh. Been learning for a while now."

"And you can't even say 'hello' in Spanish?" Aidan teased, nudging him softly.

"Shut up," he playfully nudged him back.

The next thing I knew, I was walking with two boys who were pushing each other back and forth like maniacs.

"You two do realize that you guys are embarrassing the heck out of all three of us, right?" I chuckled, trying to keep my distance away from them as far as possible.

"No you're cute!" Devon shoved him back, cackling.

"No, but seriously." Aidan stopped him in his tracks and planted a sweet kiss on his lips while grinning from ear to ear. "You're the cutest."

Suddenly, a young man strolled around the corner with what looked like a tiny gang of boys our age. His face from far away seemed like some random person, but as the "gang" approached us, they were no strangers.

"Well, well, well." His voice was raspy yet a sweet tone I knew I once liked—never loved.

"What the he** do you want, Travis?" Aidan cried, stepping in front of Devon and me to protect us.

Travis shoved Aidan aside, causing him to lose balance and fall onto the rigid concrete floor. "My friends, don't you all dare forget the gay kid. We all know for sure that you were at one point the most gayest piece of shit Atwood could offer."

His "gang" members laughed at a now red-faced Devon hysterically, still a bit cautious of not crossing the line entirely since they knew that Devon was basically twice their size.

To my surprise, Devon kept quiet and stepped aside to aid Aidan.

"Oh, and if it isn't the girl that left me broken-hearted. Little Macias sister, didn't know what would happen if you left me crying in the dirt." He snickered maliciously, gleaming with absolute pride in his words.

"Shut up you bi***. Your little 'friends' and your sorry ass better leave this damn place or else..." I started, clenching my fists, infuriated.

"Or else what? You're going to have your little girlfriend back you up? Last time I checked, that jackass ain't anywhere near here." Travis grinned evilly, then continued, "You know, I can have my boys and myself beat you up, but I feel a bit... pitiful. I'll make it up to you—Macias siblings."

"What the he** do you want?" Aidan asked, still panting from getting the air knocked out of him.

"I want your sister."


Hey, remember me?

So...I'd actually want to remind anyone reading if there is anything you want to see happen in the next few chapters (or maybe even the rest of the book) please don't be afraid to shoot me a text or something of that kind to let me know what you have in mind.

Oh, and also just if you wanna send a story idea just make sure you follow these rules/guidelines to make my life easier—

1. NO SMUT (because I swear, I absolutely suck at writing anything smut-related. Unless you want to be exposed to ten years of never-ending cringe, I advise you to not suggest me to write smut because it's not gonna happen.)

2. NO SUPER SCIENCE-FICTIONY SHIT (no unicorns, magical get the memo)

Thanks guys! :))


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