Meeting Her

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The next morning was torture. Aidan had apparently either drank too much or ate something he shouldn't have last night during his date with Devin, so he was throwing up uncontrollably in his bathroom toilet. He forced me to be in the bathroom with him, in case he "needed something".

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked, stroking the top of his fluffy hair.

"Nope," he blurted out during a series of barfing.

"Need anything?" I asked, checking my phone for new messages from Elle.

"Nah, I'm good. Just, can you stay here for company?" Aidan pleaded, still in the middle of puking into the now red toilet.

"Call up your boyfriend."

"It's okay." He wiped the extra barf off his face with a napkin out of the napkin tray. "I think I'm good now."

***4 PM***

There was still an hour before I had to meet Elle next to Fondoli, but I was still scared of embarrassing myself in any way throughout the date.

"Hey Aidan?" I shouted so he could hear from the first floor.


"Can I have a ride to Fondoli?"

"What, you want to get drunk again?"

"Shut up, I didn't even get drunk the first time I went. And I'm only going to meet someone there for a date."

"Ooh. Sounds fancy. 'Girl takes girl to date at a gay bar'."

"We're not even going inside. Probably going somewhere else."

"First dates are always fun, don't worry."

"Okay, I'm guessing you have experience?"

He laughed. "Too much."

I tore my luggage apart, desperately trying to find an outfit to wear. I was never into dresses and shit like that, so I decided to keep it low key with the overdressing and stuff. With the help of my ten-year-old clothes, I threw together an outfit that was screaming "I don't have any fashion sense". I stared myself down in the mirror after putting everything on. I was wearing a leather jacket, a blue plaid flannel, a pair of distressed jeans, and a pair of Chucks.

As I was about to head out the door, I called for Aidan to come. "Aidan! Do you want me to drive by myself or do you want to come meet her?"

He came zooming down the stairs in an instant, wearing a short-sleeved hoodie, a pair of jeans, and a pair of high-tops. "I'll drive."


Just as I started worrying if Vamp actually remembered me, sure enough, she was standing right outside the bar, looking more handsome than ever.

"Aidan, you can park here." I directed him to park next to the front door of the bar. "She's right there. Roll down the window on my side."

"Hey." Elle bit her lip, helping me out the car. "Who's this?"


"Wait, dude. You serious?" She glanced over at me, a strange expression on her face.

"Yeah. He's my brother."

"Hey." Aidan waved at Elle. "You guys are such a cute couple."

Right at that moment, I realized that I forgot to tell Aidan that we just met.

Just as I was about to say that we weren't a couple yet, Elle pulled me closer to her and said, "Thanks, really."

"What's your name?"


"Well, Elle, take good care of my sister. Have a fun night, guys." He reversed out of where he parked and left the place.

The next thing I realized was that Elle's arm was still around me. We stood there in absolute silence for what seemed like many minutes, before she turned around to face me.

Elle pulled my face closer to her mouth then whispered into my ear, "Where do you want to go?" Her warm breath stung the corners of my ear and electrified my entire body.

"I'll let you choose," I quietly said back.

"Good choice," Elle whispered maliciously.

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