| NINE |

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Chapter 9: Theoretic learning.


It was almost eleven at night when Olivia had trailed into her new room, another advantage that came with being a Prefect was that you got your own large room with a four-poster double bed and en-suit bathroom.

Unfortunately at that moment Olivia had found hers occupied by Alexis, Serena and Blaise. She groaned loudly as she dropped her cloak on the ground and Draco walked in. The girl undid her tie and opened the first two buttons of her shirt as she made her way over to her bed. "Move." She muttered.

The three created a space for Olivia and watched her collapse face first onto the bed before she groaned again and rolled over, almost lying on Serena. "I hate first years." She complained.

"So loud." Draco muttered in distaste.

"So annoying." Olivia added.

"Why's the password hissing serpent?"

"Why do we live in dungeons?"

"When's our first party?"

"What's in the forbidden forest?"

Draco and Olivia took turns to mimic the questions they had been asked over the course of the night.

"What were your answers?" Blaise asked curiously, pulling his girlfriend to sit in between his legs - to which she leaned back and relaxed on him.

"Olivia answered the majority of them." Draco confessed, raising his hand in her general direction as he leant on the poster of the bed.

The girl propped up on her elbows and rolled her sleeves up, "Hissing Serpent because it's what Professor Snape chose, we live in the dungeons because it's near the potions classroom which is where Professor Snape is, their first party would be never if they stopped talking and their death would be in the forbidden forest if they wandered in alone."

The three started to laugh as Olivia moved her leg to her left and pushed on Serena's body, evidently kicking her out of the bed, "Now get out, if you's have any chance of getting me up in the morning you need to leave." She grumbled.

Instantly four voices rang through the room as they all shouted 'shotgun', unfortunately for Draco he was last. "Draco it's your turn." Alexis said, getting off the bed and picking up her cloak.

"Actually I think he should do it from now on, we've had the pleasure of having pillows, alarm clocks and curses thrown at us. I think he should take one for the team." Serena smirked as she walked to the door, just as Draco opened his mouth to protest she called back, "Goodnight." Before walking out the door.

The other couple followed suit as they too said goodnight and left Draco and Olivia alone. Draco shifted his weight from one foot to another as the tension between the two became uncomfortable after their heated argument earlier, yes they'd been with each other all night as prefects but had ignored each other up until this moment.

Even with her eyes closed Olivia could tell Draco wanted to say something, he'd had the look on his face since Theodore sat down next to her at the welcoming feast, "What is it Draco?"

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