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Chapter 14: To be Sixteen.


When Olivia woke up on that Friday no one was to be seen. The entire common room was seemingly empty, only a few students here and there.

Draco was gone, Alexis and Serena weren't in their dorm, Blaise and Theo hadn't been seen since the night before and the girl was utterly confused.

She was also pissed off that it was her birthday and yet non of her friends where there to say anything, all of the selfish twats had buggered off but hey ho. If they were going to forget her birthday she was sure she wasn't going to make a big fuss of it.

So she started the day as she normally would and got ready for the school day, she curled her hair slightly, lined her eyes with eyeliner and coated her lashes with mascara, also adding a pink lipgloss to her lips. She packed the necessities for the day and pulled her black school jumper over her shirt and tie, then threw her Slytherin cloak on and headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

When someone wished her a happy birthday she'd smile gratefully and thank them, even Peeves and nearly-headless-nick had wished the girl a happy birthday. When she had reached the Great Hall she could of sworn that she'd nearly shit herself.

Seconds after walking in she was surrounded by Slytherins shouting and yelling before they all broke into chanting 'oh she's a jolly good fellow'. Olivia recovered quickly while bringing a hand up to her pounding heart and beaming. She listened contently while laughing slightly to their horrible signing but thanked them nonetheless.

Blaise had met her at the door way and guided her over to the Slytherin table, picking her up and setting her down on a bench as they all finished the last chorus of the song. With all the attention on the house they all erupted into cheers as they then went on to chant 'hip hip, hooray', started by Draco.

Olivia smiled brightly and shook her head before she jumped off the bench and was scooped up in a hug from Draco, "Happy sixteenth love." He whispered as he kissed her temple.

"You sly git." She mumbled, laughing into his shoulder.

"Happy birthday you shithead." Blaise shouted as he caught the girl in a head lock and began ruffling her hair.

"Blaise what are you doing? This took me half an hour you dipshit." She protested as he continued, letting go a few seconds later.

"It's not everyday you turn sixteen." Alexis smirked as they all sat down at the table.

"You said that last year." Olivia waved off, rolling her eyes playfully as Blaise shoved his gift in her face. She unwrapped it eagerly as all eyes were on her, the four best friends shared nerving looks as they knew what she was opening.

Her mouth gaped open as she took the present out of the wrapping paper, "For four years you've stole our quidditch jumpers, so with the help of Draco I decided to get you your very own." Blaise said as she smiled brightly.

"I'm not even going to ask how you managed to get this considering they only give them to people on the team, but thank you so much Blaise." She beamed as she side hugged him, gripping on to the green and white knitted jumper with the Slytherin crest sewn on.

Next was Alexis and Serena who both gave her presents at the same time, "We collaborated." Serena smirked.

"Oh Merlin." Olivia breathed out lowly, scared to see what her best friends had gotten her. She opened Serena's first, revealing a sketchbook book then opening Alexis' she had pencils to match. She looked up to the girl's with confusion on her face, she was beyond grateful for their gifts but she wondered how they knew she drew.

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