Chapter 1

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The buildings went by in a blur as the rain poured down outside. I focused on a single drop of rain on the taxi window, slowly gliding downwards. It split in two, leaving a piece behind as the other half continued on.

That's how I felt.

Like I'd left a piece of myself behind, back in America, with my dad. Ever since the divorce, I'd been distant. I was angry all the time. Mom forced me to come with her to London, a place I'd sure as hell never dreamt of going. I couldn't stand to leave America, let alone be around my mother, who was more or less the reason my father and her had divorced in the first place. We'd only been here two weeks, so I didn't have much time to make any friends.

"That'll be 25 pounds," the cab driver groggily announced, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, here," I murmured, handing over the money.

"Twenty five, not twenty," he sneered, holding out his hand again.

I was new to this whole change of currency thing. I fished around in my pockets for what I thought was the right amount, handing it over. The driver smiled wickedly, as he unlocked the doors for me to get out so he could be on his way.

I pulled my bags out of the trunk, setting them on the sidewalk beside me. The minute I shut the trunk, the driver sped off, throwing water everywhere and thus leaving me soaking wet.

"Jerk," I mumbled under my breath, turning to pick up my bags.

My heart fluttered a bit when I turned around, taking in the large campus in front of me. People were everywhere, waving to their friends they'd probably spent the entire summer with. I took a deep breath, before making my way into my new college. I walked past all sorts of people, none of which seemed to mind the rain at all.

After a few minutes of searching, I'd finally spotted my dorm, making my way to the building. I struggled to open the door with my heavy suitcase in hand.

"Lemme help ya, love!" A cheery voice called behind me. I looked over my shoulder, only to see a girl with light brown hair running towards me, aiding in my struggle with the heavy door. I quickly pulled in my luggage, huffing out an exasperated thank you.

"No problem! Can't say I've seen you 'round here before..." the girl acknowledged, eyeing me up and down. I straightened myself up, catching my breath.

"Probably because I just moved here from America," I replied, brushing the raindrops off my coat.

"Oh! You're the new girl! Welcome, I'm Kate!" She shrieked, stretching out her hand. I lightly took it, forcing a smile on my face.

"Nice to meet you." I turned to my bags, rolling them to the elevator.

"So how do you like it in London so far?" Kate asked, appearing beside me.

"Oh, well I just arrived a few days ago, so I haven't really been around to many places yet!" I nervously chuckled.

"Oh... need a guide?!" she excitedly asked.

"Erm... not at the moment, thanks. But I'll give you a call if I do!" I hurried to into the elevator, hoping the annoying girl would leave. But no... to my luck, she followed me. I pressed the 6th floor button, where my room was located. The doors shut a moment later, trapping me inside.

"I don't believe I got your name, love?" Kate acknowledged, turning to me.

"Oh, I'm Ronnie!" I smiled.

Her face lit up in delight, squealing to my annoyance. " I love that name!!!"

I squeezed my eyes shut, her high pitched voice booming in the tight space.

Please god, get me out of here.

As if he was answering my prayers, the doors opened, revealing my corridor. I quickly stepped out, hoping Kate would stay on, but yet again, she followed me. I looked at the paper I held in front of me, searching for my room number.

I quickly looked back up, searching the hallways for the room when finally, I found it. Strolling over, I opened the door with a key I'd been mailed.

"No way!" Kate gasped, a shudder emitting from my body, "I live right next door!!"

I cringed, shutting my eyes. "Oh... wonderful..." I tried my best to show excitement, but honestly, five minutes with this girl in the elevator was enough for me.

"Oh my gosh, this is so exciting! We're going to be the best of friends!" she exclaimed, grabbing my hands in hers.

I nodded, silently wishing I could sneak into my room without her noticing.

After standing there awkwardly for a few minutes, she smiled.

"Well, I better let you get unpacked. I'll see you around!"

I huffed out a sigh of relief, smiling a genuine smile. "Um... yeah. See you around!"

She ran off, skipping around the corner.

I struggled with my bags, pushing open the heavy door. The minute I got inside, I dropped my bags, turning to quickly lock the door just in case Kate decided to come back. That girl was nice, really, she was...but sometimes being that nice can be a little too much.

I breathed in the scent of my new room, walking over to the bed and plopping down. My eyes shut tightly, my body relaxing as the sound of the rain poured outside.

This was going to be a long ass school year, and frankly, I didn't know how I was going to handle it.


Hello there! So, little authors note after this chapter: please keep in mind, I started writing this almost 6 years ago! I've updated and revised the story a little since then, but my writing isn't perfect, especially in the beginning few chapters! But thank you all so much for all the reads, votes, and most importantly, the comments!  I read every single one, and they all mean a lot. I hope whoever you are, you've found yourself enjoying this first simple chapter of the book I wrote so long ago that has gotten so much attention. Also, incase you didn't know: this book has a sequel! So hurry up and read this one so you can continue on to the next! (; Enjoy, my loves.

Xo- TemptingHoran

Temptations [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now