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WARNING: Some parts of this story will have some violence and aggression, along with blood and cussing. If you don't like that kind of stuff then feel free to read other stories. Hope you enjoy this Baysha book!

Sasha's POV:

It's time for Monday Night RAW! I have a match against Alexa Bliss and it's for the RAW Women's championship. The crowd is wild tonight and I can't wait for my match, Nia will accompany Alexa to the ring while Bayley accompanies me. My match is up next and I see Alexa speed past me turning around just to stare me down. She smirks and turns back around to leave. 

"Don't worry about them, they're just jealous." Bayley says walking up to me and hugging me from behind.

"I know." I reply and stop moving to hug her back. "I just have a hatred for Alexa right now. She is just a big problem."

"Well let's just say, I cannot promise all your problems will leave quickly, but I can promise you won't face them alone." Bayley tells me while smiling before walking away toward the gorilla. I think of what she said before I run to catch up with her. I know i'm for sure blushing a little, but I can't help it. What she said just made me feel way better. I make my way to the gorilla and see Bayley looking at Alexa talking to Nia. I walk up to Bayley and she turns toward me and laughs.

"Look at them." She says as I turn my gaze to look at them. Then I saw that Nia turns out to be yelling at Alexa. A smile crosses my as JoJo announces the match.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the RAW women's championship."

Alexa looks at Nia and then motions for her to follow her. They walk through the curtain and onto the stage.

"Introducing first, Accompanied by Nia Jax. From Columbus, Ohio. She is the RAW women's champion: Alexa Bliss." JoJo says happily as Alexa makes her way to the ring proudly.

I walk over toward the curtain and then back at the TV, shake my head and look at Bayley.

"Focus on Alexa. I'll focus on Nia." Bayley says walking up to me.

"And her opponent, accompanied by Bayley. From Boston, Massachusetts: Sasha Banks!"

I make my way to the ring with Bayley by my side, Alexa is a vicious competitor and sneaky so I need to careful. The bell rings and we circle around each other getting ready to let all hell break loose.

10 Minutes Later...

Alexa is laying on the ground clutching her ribs looking at Nia signaling her to do something. Nia gets up onto the apron and starts to yell at me, getting my attention. I look toward Nia and rush toward her knocking her off and she lands on the ground in a heap. She looks up to me with fierce, sharp eyes. Soon enough Nia is on the ground again since Bayley knocked her off her feet and tossed her into the ring post. Alexa goes for a role up and I kick out at two. Instantly after I lock in the Bank Statement and Alexa struggles to get to the bottom rope. I lock it in harder and stretch her neck and back. She quickly taps out after. Suddenly I realize what just happend. I tapped out the Champion, in a Championship match.

"Here is your winner, and NEW RAW women's champion: Sasha Banks!" The crowd cheers when they hear that and all I feel is someone embracing me from behind. I know it's Bayley. The ref gives me the championship and I turn around and Bayley is there smiling at me. All I feel are tears in my eyes. I can't let them fall, and I won't. Bayley hugs me again and I just can't help it, a tear falls down and then they all do. I look over toward Bayley and am shocked to see Bayley in tears. I don't really understand why, and i'm a little confused, but now is not the time to worry. I hold the championship up in the air and all I hear are cheers... Loud cheers. That just makes the tears fall faster. I hug Bayley one last time before leaving the rings and walking backstage as she follows me.

"Hey. Sasha, Bayley!" Someone says as we both turn around and see Naomi rushing toward us. "First of all, congratulations girl on your win." She says sharing a smile.

"Thanks." I say smiling back.

"No problem... Also I have to team with Charlotte and Becky tomorrow night and I've been trying to text them both since last Tuesday, but they aren't replying. I was wonder if you two would know where they are... Hopefully."

I turn towards Bayley and she looks worried.

"Umm... We don't know where they can be. We haven't talked to them for a while." I reply and she gets even more worried.

"I hope they are okay." She replies before walking away not wanting to say goodbye.

Bayley wraps an arm around me and I lay my head on her shoulder. "Hope they are okay."

"They will be..." Bayley replies while we walk out of the arena. "I hope."

Me and Bayley shared a hotel and I couldn't fall asleep at all Bayley stayed up to comfort me as she could hardly sleep too. I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling while Bayley has her head on my chest reading on a story on her phone. I can't help but feel worried and sad, even though I won the championship today. It just doesn't feel like it. To be honest, I wish I could give the championship back to them so I can trade it for Charlotte and Becky to be okay. I hope they are... Bayley tosses her phone to the side and I can hear her yawn. "Go to sleep Bayls." I say quietly. "I can't have you tired."

She lifts her head to look at me and smiles. "I'm not going to sleep with you awake."

I roll my eyes and laugh. "Please..."

"Nope." She quickly replies and lays her head back down.

I lay there annoyed a little but lucky to have such an amazing friend, but I still can't keep her awake just for me. "Fine... Will you go to bed if I do the same?" I ask her and she lays up and turns to look at me.

"Yeah I will." She replies before laying down next to me and smiling. "Will you?"

I think of Charlotte and Becky and how I hope they are okay, then finally give in. "Yeah. I will, I'll go to bed." I say turning over to my right side. All I feel is Bayley wrapping her arms around me before I fall into a deep sleep... And of course, I have a dream. It was about Charlotte and Becky, and for some reason, they weren't anywhere safe. They where out in the forest and they where trapped or kidnapped. I couldn't see that happening, but sometimes dreams come true. Even though I shouldn't call that a dream. I hope this isn't true, but it might be. Bayley still has her arms around me and I can feel her heart beating against me. I'm glad she is okay. I don't know what I would do without her. My life wouldn't be complete. I fall back to sleep again with my last thought saying for Charlotte and Becky to be safe... And alive.

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