Charlotte & Becky?

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Chloe's POV:

I wake up in the passenger seat of a car. We are on our way South, towards Charlotte and Becky. I decided to help since I feel bad seeing people so sad. They are also extremely determined to find their friends, and because of that, i'll help. I'm sitting next to Naomi who is still driving down the road, while Sasha and Bayley are sitting in the back asleep cuddling each other. Naomi must have seen me look back there since she is smirking in the windshield.

"They are cute together aren't they?" She asks me.

I look in the back again and smile. "Yeah, they do."

"I've always shipped them. Plus, I believe that they both have feelings for one another, they just to scared that they will ruin their friendship if one says no. Especially since they work together." Naomi explains to me as I look out the window, watching the stars fly by. 

"I gotta say, I've only known you girls for a couple hours and I already can see their relationship." I admit.

"I agree, and hope that they would just hurry it up already." Naomi smirks while continuing to head South.

"Hey, Look!" She exclaims pointing in the forest.

"How the hell can you see that?" I reply noticing a black truck surrounded by people.

"It's called good eyes." Naomi pulls over to the side of the road and gets out of the car. "Wanna go check this out? You know and let these two be on their own for a few?"

I instantly open the door and leave the vehicle. "Sure thing." We walk toward the forest and hear screaming once again. This time I can easily hear the girls. Naomi looks at me with worry.

"It's them.... It's Charlotte and Becky." She takes off running toward the car and I turn to run after her. If Naomi is really right, and this is Charlotte and Becky, then we need to take notice as soon as possible. I'm guessing she is running back to the car to wake up Sasha and Bayley. The yelling just keeps getting louder and louder. Before Naomi even gets to the car, Bayley opens the door and hops out with Sasha right behind her.

"We heard it." Bayley says reaching for her knife in her back pocket. We all nod and rush back toward the forest. We have an advantage since it's still night out.

Sasha's POV:

The yelling is hurting my ears, I believe they are arguing with one another. I peek around a large tree and see who is causing all the noise. It's Charlotte and Becky, but they aren't alone. They are annoying the people who took them. Bayley puts her hand on my shoulder and I turn to look at her. Naomi and Chloe are standing behind her, with wide eyes.

"What?" I whisper. Bayley points to a girl standing near the truck.

"They got guns." She whispers back and seeing that made shivers go down my spine.

"Great..." Chloe says crouching down, we all do the same.

I look toward Charlotte and Becky again and realize how close they are. I should try to at least get their attention without the others noticing. A few seconds later i'm over near them. I look behind me and see Bayley crawling over to me.

"Hey, what are you doing?" She asks confused.

"I'm going to talk to Charlotte and Becky." I reply turning my attention to them.

"It's to risky... We got to go back." Bayley says grabbing my arm and pulling me toward her. I hold my ground and Bayley has no choice but to let me go.

"Damn it, Sash. Why do you got to be so stubborn?" Bayley says smiling.

I smile back and turn my attention to the others. "Hey. Charlotte. Becky." I whisper and they spin their heads around to look in our direction.

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