Old Building

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Chloe's POV:

I wake up to the sun shinning and the birds chirping loudly. Naomi is awake looking at her phone, while Bayley and Sasha are just now waking up. I seen what happened last night. I seen them kiss. It was absolutely beautiful. Let me tell you, it just made me ship them even more. Of course I was driving so I didn't see the whole thing, but I saw a glimpse of them in the mirror. The car is parked at the side of the road just around 2 blocks down from where Charlotte and Becky where at. I made sure not to go far, just in case we got lost.

"Hey, Chloe?" Naomi questions, making me jump a little.

"Wha- What?" I reply quickly turning my head toward her.

"Jumpish this morning?" She replies smiling.

"I was stuck in thought." I reply turning on the car engine.


"Oh, nothing important." I exclaim. "Just about Sasha and Bayley. Let's just say something happened between them when you were asleep." I whisper to her, making sure Bayley and Sasha can't hear it.

"Did they kiss?! Don't tell me they kissed. Damn it I missed it didn't I?" Naomi says leaning back in the chair sighing.

"Yeah... You missed it."

Naomi looks in the windshield mirror and smiles noticing they are awake and watching a video on a phone together. "I'm sure It will happen again, just you wait."

I smirk and put my foot on the pedal, turning toward South. Today is going to be the day we will help Charlotte and Becky, and hopefully completely save them. I hope this all goes well and I hope it's all worth it in the end...

2 Hours Later: 

We reached the bridge and exited the car, looking for a path to this so called waterfall. After around 2 minutes of trying to find it I hear someone call from across the grassy area. It was Bayley.

"Is this it?" She wonders and I turn to rush toward her, hearing Sasha and Naomi follow. We all take one look at the trail and instantly notice it is the only one there. At least the only one that is old and disgusting looking, vines hanging everyone and spiders hanging in cobwebs, seeing that made a shiver go down my spine, I hate spiders, but I can't stop here just because of some 8 legged insect. We all share a look at one another before following the path, making this possibly the last time we will ever see each other again, because you never know what can happen when we enter this forest. Once we enter, we instantly hear a distant waterfall, and follow it.

10 Minutes Later: 

Sasha's POV:

We finally found the waterfall, and even though we heard water, we found out it was just a pond, full of ducks. The waterfall was surrounded by vines and long grass. Remembering what the girls said we walked around it and followed the gravely path toward this so called "old building."

Naomi and Chloe rush past me and takes point, for some reason. Bayley is walking behind me focusing on our surroundings. I'm a little surprised the police doesn't know anything about this place. She looks toward me and smiles noticing I was staring. I quickly turn my head away just in time to see Chloe run into a spider web. She screams and we all burst out laughing. As we continue walking I feel a hand grab mine, and I already know it was Bayley. She smirk at me and I roll my eyes and continue to walk through the woods.

"Shh... Look!" Naomi says crouching down and telling us to follow carefully.

"It looks like we found the building they were talking about!" Bayley asks quietly, hiding behind a bush.

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