Part 29

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RAW (Sasha's POV:) 

I can't believe this is happening right now. I'm once again backstage at raw, but this time i'm not going to be watching. I'm going to be competing. I'm still a little pissed  that Bayley did this for me, but I know that she cares. The rest of the girls came alone with since they want to see me defeat Alexa tonight. Alexa is apart of our group now and she knows that i'm going to face her tonight so I hope nothing goes wrong. Finn came along as well, but left since he has a match against The Miz. 

"Why did you have to do this?" I whisper to myself. Suddenly someone puts their hand on my shoulder and I swing around.

"Oh, sorry for scaring you Sasha." In front of me stands Alexa Bliss, the girl i'm going to be fighting tonight.

"It's fine." I reply sitting down on the bench in the locker room. She goes and sit's down next to me, but not before grabbing her attire.

"How you feeling?" She questions.

"Fine, just a little surprised i'm back so early."

She smiles and puts on her boots. "I want your match tonight to be special, and since I am your new friend, let's have a match for the ages!" Alexa says reaching her feet. "Of course the match won't be like your match with Bayley in Brooklyn, but maybe close to it."

I smile back toward Alexa and agree. The locker room door opens and an official sticks his head in. "Your match is next!" He says closing the door again.

"Alright, let's do this!" Alexa states giving me a hand to my feet.

Along the way toward gorilla, Becky joined our walk. Strolling past catering Becky departs and goes to join Charlotte. Alexa on the other hand, shakes her head and laughs at their friendship.

Charlotte looks up from her phone to see Becky and beams with joy, gets up, and hugs her. Me and Alexa walk on past since our match is up next.

"Good luck, girls!" Charlotte says a little excited from behind us.

"Yeah, kill it tonight ladies!" Becky agrees.

Beside me, Alexa giggles as we continue on toward gorilla...

At Gorilla:

I turn the corner and enter gorilla with Alexa in tow.

"Wait, what?" Alexa spits out looking at Becky and Charlotte. "How the hell did you two beat us?"

"There is always a reason." Becky says leaning against the wall.

I sigh and sit down in a chair waiting for the start of the match.

"Hey." Someone announces. I look up and Bayley is standing there looking down at me.

"Hey!" I respond as a smile crosses my face.

"You ready?"

I look toward the curtain, then toward Alexa. "Yeah, i'm ready."

"You know this crowd is going to explode right?" She exclaims excitedly.

"I guess." 

"Sash, they haven't seen you for a long time. You have been a fan favorite ever since nxt. Your matches with Becky and Charlotte were the best I have ever seen. They miss you."

"I hope your right." I state a little nervous. "Also remember, it wasn't just with Charlotte and Becky, I had matches with you as well."

She smirks and looks at Alexa as the bell rings.

"Good luck girl." She says quietly, kissing my forehead.

I nod and start making my way over to Alexa.

"We are going to go to the monitors in the locker room!" Naomi announces leaving the room with the rest agreeing.

Now Alexa is the only other human being in the room.

"The following contest is for the raw women's championship." Jojo shouts into the mic.

Alexa walks out and does her entrance. Everyone turns toward the ramp, hesitantly waiting for the next contender. I gulp and look down at the floor, worried and anxious.

After about 10 seconds of a calm and quiet arena. They explode when Sasha's theme turns on. All you can hear is cheering and screaming throughout the Mohegan sun arena in Montville, Connecticut.

I walk out to a joyful crowd of 16 thousand people. I feel tears in my eyes as I scan all the rows of the WWE universe. "I can't believe this is happening." I tell myself walking down the ramp and toward the ring.

Alexa's POV:

Once again a "Sasha" chant spills out into the arena. Thrilled and pleased to see her back in the ring again. I smile at my new friend as she enters the ring. She smiles back and I just now notice how important this match is for her. She did relinquish the title for her friends. I believe now is the time she gets it back. I will fight my best to help create the match of the night, but she deserves to win...

The bell rings and the crowd erupts, still chanting their idols name. I shake my head and look at my opponent, who looks to be on the verge of crying.

She looks toward me and nods...It's time for the championship to find a new owner.

10 Minutes Later:

I'm locked in the Bank Statement and can't reach the ropes. I look toward the crowd and see everyone on their feet wondering if i'm going to tap out. The past 10 minutes have been exhausting and I don't think I could take anymore. Sasha is just too strong and fights like a legit champ and I think it's time for her to become the champ. I raise my hand into the air and slam it down onto the mat multiple times.. tapping out. Everyone in the arena yells with joy as I glance at Sasha.

I couldn't be anymore happy...

I look up from the mat, tired out and happy. I had just been beaten for the title, but I didn't care. Sasha deserved it more then me, and after all she has been through i'm glad everything is normal again.

I close my eyes, hearing the announcement of the new women's champion. Opening my eyes, Sasha is standing above me, holding a hand out. I reach out and grab onto her, pulling myself up.

"Thank you." She whispers.

I smirk and hug her, she hugs back with tears of joy her eyes.

"Bayley!" Someone in the crowd screams. I look past Sasha and shake my head, laughing.

"What?" Sasha wonders pulling away from the hug.

I point toward the ramp and she turns around, noticing Bayley walking toward the ring.

Her smile brightens as Bayley rushes into the ring and wraps her arms around her, pulling her into an embrace.

"You deserve it!" The crowd starts to chant. The pair pulls away and looks into each others eyes. The crowd goes silent and watches with admiration. They move closer and kiss and that's when I remembered that no one else knew about these two except for our friends and co-workers. I look out toward the crowd worried of their reaction. Yet they didn't seem to be booing or disappointed. They were all standing on their feet applauding them. I join in on the clapping and they pull away grinning from ear to ear.

A few minutes later we walk backstage to be greeted all our co-workers and friends. They all walk over to Sasha and congratulate her on her victory. 

"Are you sad you lost?" Charlotte asked, walking over to me.

"No, after everything she has been through, I'm most defiantly not sad. I'm happy and glad that she was the one who won." I reply looking from Charlotte to Sasha.

Charlotte laughs and pats my shoulder. "Your a good friend you know that?"

"Ehh, I try my best to be."

Charlotte rolls her eyes and smiles before walking away.

The rest of the day was full of chaos as everyone of our friends gathered together to celebrate Sasha's victory, the night grew long but turned out to be alright!

One more chapter remains!

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