Part 30 (The End)

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Bayley's POV:

The next morning we all went out to celebrate Sasha's victory at a restaurant. We got a booth that can fit all of us and ordered our food.

"To Sasha's victory!" Finn smirks raising his glass full of wine in the air, as we all do the same.

"And to yours!" Becky says and Finn rolls his eyes.

"Well you know... Miz was a piece of cake." Finn replies and we all burst of laughing.

Charlotte turns toward Sasha and smiles. "So, how do you feel?"

Sasha looks around toward all her friends and sighs. "I feel amazing. I'm surrounded by all my friends, last night ended like I wanted it too... Everything is perfect."

"We are glad you are happy, Sash." Becky and Charlotte say in union, then turn toward one another and blush.

Sasha turns toward me as though she is suspecting something.

"Just admit it." I say as the pair across from us put their attention to the floor.

"Admit what?" Becky wonders quietly.

"What's going on between you two?" Sasha announces.

"Nothing." Charlotte responds quickly.

"Mhmm.. sure" Ember says, stuffing her face with a french fry.

"Really! There is nothing going on between us." Charlotte says with excitement in her voice.

Becky turns away embarrassed, covering her eyes with her hands.

Me, Sasha, and Ember all know there is something up with both of them, they have been acting totally different for a couple weeks. They just won't say anything or tell anyone.

"What eves, your lucky today is a celebration day, otherwise you would have to spill what your not telling us." Chloe states, leaning on the wall.

Charlotte and Becky share a glance at one another but don't say anything. After around 30 more minutes, we all finish our food and return back to our hotel room. I watch as Charlotte, Becky, Finn, Chloe, Alexa, Naomi, Ember, and Sasha walk into the room and spread out. Some of my friends go into the living room, some go into the kitchen, and some go into the bedroom. I watch as Sasha goes and sits on the couch, pulling her phone out of her pocket and checking it. I walk over, sitting down beside her. She scoots over and lays her head on my shoulder. We sit there quietly for a few minutes before I break the silence.

"These past couple of days have been interesting, haven't they?"

Sasha gives a small laugh. "Yeah, they sure have." She looks up from her phone and turns toward me. "But I wouldn't want it any other way."

"I agree."

"Bayley?" Sasha says sitting up.


"Thank you for always being there for me."

I smile and wrap an arm around her. "No problem."

"You know, Bayley... you saved me. If I had never met you 5 years ago, I would not have been here. You saved me from myself, and I just want you to know that i'm thankful for you. When I was lying in that bed in the hospital on the edge of death, I thought about you. In my head you were there, comforting me, calming me down. You are the rock I can always lean on... And i'll love you forever."

I look at her with tears in eyes. "You know I care about you and will always be there to help you out.. It's a promise that I will keep in my heart."

"And I promise I will never forget..." Sasha replies practically hugging me.

"You are my best friend and the love of my life.. The one I have always dreamed of.. I don't know how i'd ever live without you. Sasha, because of you all my other dreams have changed now. Everything I had ever wanted will only be complete, if you were there by my side... We can do this together." I say confessing everything I had inside me.

"Together, huh?" She speaks.

"Yeah... together."

She smirks and leans over cupping my face with her hand, pulling me into a soft kiss.

I pull away and look into her eyes. "I never actually got to ask you this, so I guess now is the chance.." I turn toward Sasha so i'm completely in front of her and take her hands in mine. "Sasha, I know we were out saving out best friends and other annoying four horsewomen members." I say and Sasha giggles. "We were to busy helping them out. So, from the bottom of my heart. I'm saying this with full passion." I sigh nervously. "Sasha, will you be my girlfriend?" 

She beams with joy and nods. "Of course I will, Bayls."

I feel a sigh of relief leave my body as she hugs me with pure joy.

"Thank you for giving your heart to me and trusting me with yours. Thank you for walking beside me and wanting me by your side. Thank you for thinking of me and for always staying on my mind. Thank you for making me smile even when i'm down in the dumps. Thank you for being who you are and I hope you never change. Sasha, thank you for each day and night that I get to spend with you... I love you with all my heart"

She pulls away from the hug and kisses me with so much love. "I love you too!" 

Suddenly we hear someone in a serious conversation. I look at Sasha and she rolls her eyes. "It's Charlotte and Becky."

"I wonder what they are talking about?" I say sarcastically.

"Best to not disturb them though, it might be important." Sasha replies laughing.

"Ohhhh, I know what you mean!" 

She bursts out laughing and I join in.

Everything is back to normal! Charlotte and Becky are safe, possibly talking about something "Important involving both of them.." The title is back to where it deserves to be, and all my friends are happy. I look around at all my friends as they all pile into the living room, feeling the happiest I have every been in forever. I feel Sasha lean her head on my shoulder and close her eyes.

 I guess I learned to enjoy the good moments, stay positive during the bad, and find out that everything will turn out right in the end.

That's the end! I hope you enjoyed this 30 chapter book since I enjoyed writing it! I will create and wright the other baysha book very soon, but for now i'm going to take a little break. Remember to stay positive and keep a smile on your face. I hope you have a great rest of your day!

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