Chapter 17

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*Middle part of this chapter contains mature contents! Read at your own risk*


One night before the prom night.

In these days me and Harry shared many things which we should know about each other. I told him how I was raised in the atmosphere of fights, regrets and pain. I told him everything about my past and my parents. He also shared everything I wanted to know. I asked him about him being wealthy, why he visits Liverpool frequently, about his cousins, about his rest of the family. He said that his Mom was wealthy and she transferred every ounce of her property to him. He was the only child of his parents. He didn't had that healthy bond with his father and was only close to his mother. His parents didn't have any extended family relationships but only distant relatives and friends.

He always visited Liverpool because there lives his Nanny. She was with him from the day he was born. Ms. Bella Petrova is his Nanny's name and she is more than 60 years old. Harry takes care of her as she isn't married and is alone plus old. He told that his parents died 8 years ago when he was 10. They first lived in 'Atlanta, USA' but then after his parents death his Nanny brought him to Liverpool. Then last year he shifted to London for studies. Here he met Louis and Judy. Harry and Louis bonded very well and he needed someone to share everything so he told him everything. He saw a sister in Judy and started taking care of her as a big brother. He always wanted a sister but was unlucky with it.

He showed me his parents and Nanny's pictures. His mom looked very pretty. Prettier than me at my age. His dad was very handsome and healthy. His mom 'Anne styles' and Dad 'Kevin Styles' (not real name) looked very gorgeous together. His Nanny was pretty too. He showed me his Liverpool 'Styles' Mansion where his Nanny lived and took care of it.

Everything was going well between us. Day by day our love increased. We met and spent time with each other daily. I, Harry, Judy and Louis sometimes had dinner at Harry's place and sometimes at our place. Louis was doing great in his football career. Harry now focused on his studies and career. He wanted to become a huge business tycoon. We kept supporting, understanding and loving each other. We didn't usually showed off our relationship in front of everyone in the university. Only Louis and Judy knew that me and Harry are in a relationship. We didn't talk much in the university to pretend that we still are fighting. This was all to show Jake and Ash so that they would never use me against Harry. Harry felt it safe for me.

As usual Katherine still flirted with Harry and Harry as usual handled her in his own way. I never cared that attitude for Katherine towards Harry as I trusted Harry more than I trust myself. I know Harry would never cheat on me even in his wildest dreams. He just isn't like that. He is one woman man. I asked Harry for prom but he denied. He didn't like that event. After convincing for million years he agreed.

We in between also did that 'Hanky panky' thing. Harry gets very romantic between four walls and not in public. I loved that. Me and Harry respected each other very much. Jake and Harry as usual kept fighting. I was fed up. I was tired seeing that Friend vs boyfriend fight. I always tried not be a part of it and stayed away from their issues. Till then I waited for Harry to tell me everything cause that's the only thing which is hidden from me.

I was done with my evening shift and was heading towards Harry's place. Judy called and informed me that today we were having dinner at their place. Judy took a break from work as annual carnival and Prom preparations were handed over to her and Katherine. Since few days Harry and Louis were trying to learn cooking and trust me that never worked. I wish I get good food to eat today. I soon reached there. I entered the house and found Judy laughing at something.

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