Chapter 80

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Reading that text of his, my head fell back, I pressed my eyes close as I couldn't bare the emotions in that text. I started sobbing heavily realising what have I done to Harry and how important I am to him. He isn't expressive at all but today he just   exploded. All of my feelings crashed making me break to death.


I wasn't in any state of thinking anything. I then told Jake to drive me home. Harry was probably gone to receive Stefan from the airport. I was sitting on the window of my room, staring out in a random direction. I had put on my EarPods and silent songs were playing. Cold air again was crashing with my face, making my hair fly back slightly and I closed my eyes.

"You don't even love him 1/10 of how much he does to you"

"I can't even imagine how much he loves you"

"Think, Jane think. What I must have gone through seeing your wounds"

"Atleast don't blame my love for protecting you"

"I'm sorry"

Jake's and Harry's words were echoing in my mind, making it more painful. But then my and Harry's moments of last few days flashed before me making me smile a little.

Because of what happened today, a storm of thoughts and confusing thoughts was rushing in my brain. Do I even deserve Harry? Jake is right. I can't love Harry like he does to me. When did even he started loving me so much? His love is on some other extent where I could even not reach in my dreams.

I was just thinking about all this and some loud car horns brought me out of my world of thoughts. I opened my eyes.

Stefan is here.

I don't know why but I felt like I didn't care anymore about who Stefan is, what he did with me in last years, or what can he do to me more. He at least knows that Harry has come to know about something because of which he has assigned guards behind my parents. I know he isn't happy with the situation right now.

But I feel like I have gained some power to fight with Stefan. Just because I know that someone more powerful is by my side and I am the person who is most important to him.

I also had many questions going in my mind. Why didn't Gray expose Stefan? Why was he baring all the torture? Harry thinks that Gray is the mastermind behind all this! Why Gray why?!

I decided to call Gray. I hope he has his phone. I immediately dial his number. How can I forget his number. Those threatening texts made me remember every digit of it. I called him. Fingers crossed.

"Hello?" A croaky voice spoke up.

"Gray is that you?" I asked quietly with a frown.


"Yeah. It's me" I sighed.

"Why did you call me?!?! Do you even know what will happen if Harry comes to about this?!! I'm hanging up" he suddenly sounded scared.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Nothing will happen to you. I gave him a promise of not hurting you. He won't do anything. And I called you, you didn't. So calm down"

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