Chapter 1

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Edit: Guys this story starts from a third party pov......stay with me. Janessa's (the protagonist) part is just ahead.


Finally I entered University college of London (UCL). I was on my way to the university. I've heard a plenty of interesting things about it. Ofcourse it is a very famous college which the scholars look up to and people hardly get admission into it. I wasn't lucky but deserving enough to make it as I took every effort for it. I'm really excited for the first day of college. I had butterflies swarming in my stomach. I didn't know what type of friends I'll make and the company I'll get. Still will try to stay out of drama and trouble.

God! I finally reached the campus. The Butterflies started dancing in my stomach as I got nervous for the first day.

"Whoa!" The campus started curve my mouth into huge smiles. I gazed at the infrastructure of the uni. It was really-really huge. It basically looked like a huge castle.

I started walking towards the building. While looking around, I saw many students sitting and having fun in the university lawn. There was a frustrated girl who was hauling on the phone, A group of girls were ragging a fresher girl.

They don't even dare to rag me! I'll show them who Cassie Holmes is. I rolled my eyes away from them and noticed a group of boys standing at the building entrance.

I was finding a girl named Susan. She was supposed to meet me at the entrance at 8:45 am. She was given the responsibility of showing me the university. I couldn't find her anywhere but the boys standing there were checking me out from head to toe continuously and passing comments.

I was disgusted. I wish I had brought forks to stab in their fucking eyes.

"Cheaps!" I mumbled and ignored those boys.

I was gazing around and was waiting for the girl when I saw one of the boy coming towards me.

"Hey sweetheart! May I help you?" He asked and winked at me while passing a amused look.

I just rolled my eyes and ignored him. I turned away and started looking for someone who could genuinely help me.

"I really can---"

"Thanks brother But I'll help myself!" I passed a fake smile at him.

Listening this the smile on his face faded and the boys standing behind him bursted out in laughter.

"Hey are you Cassie?" I heard a girlish voice and I turned at her.

There was a girl standing dressed like a hippy! She wore a black mini tight dress and had put dark and shinny make up. Was also wearing heels. Who the hell comes to university like this! She had badge of 'S' letter on her bag. Maybe she is Susan.

"Yeah! You are late Susan!" I reminded her and passed a small smile to her.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't had my Car today so--Hey wait how did you know I'm Susan?"

"Sixth sense!" I replied with a fake smile, not letting her know that.

"Oh! You're pretty and intelligent!"

"Yeah you're also pretty intelligent!" I laughed in my mind and she got confused.

"Let's go?" I asked her.

She nodded and smiled at the boy who tried to flirt with me. Oh Kay! She is that type of girl! Spoiled!

Later she showed me the university and at last she took me to the cafeteria.

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