Chapter 97

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After we reached the hotel, Dad told me to pack my bags. We will directly leave this place after the marriage! He loves so me much. He can't bear my insult.

I was laying on my bed, staring at the white sheets in front of me. Tears never stopped rolling down my skin. I was scattered into pieces! I had no expressions on my face and was just thinking of me and Harry.

I remember how we met. He was standing near the car that morning. Brought Jimmy to us. He saved my life after I fell in the pool. That day when he was discussing something with his people, I was over hearing them. If it was someone else at my place, Harry would have killed him already.

I was so silly to drag him to the park, talk about my grandma, share things with him and ask awkward questions directly. That moment became more special when Harry hugged me. He use to plan people's death but still asked a girl before touching her.

"Can I hug you?" I remembered his words.

Tears started flowing out of my eyes more and more while I was going through our memories.

I remember when Harry first admitted to himself in whispers that he loves me. But never told me. Later I got pissed because of him locking me in his house and I then sneaked out.

Ash was almost going to kill me when Harry, my hero chopped him out. It was his love doing that.

Then him coming at the Christmas Eve for me, us having fun at the river Thames, hugging me and making me feel safe, keeping me as his first priority, changing his whole life for me, even sacrificing the feeling of killing the killer of his parents, us spending time at the park, prom night, our first kiss, first night, everything was so special for me.

Us making each other smile by placing our fingers on each other's mouth, him pulling my cheeks, playing with my hair, protecting me at any cost and loving me more the himself are the things I can never forget in my life.

I can't even imagine how can a strong, serious and silent boy like Harry, who did even talked to girls, fell in love with me! That to truly, deeply and madly.

And I still can't believe he has changed! He used to almost kill people who tried to hurt me and when today his mother did that, he didn't even speak a word!

Where is my Harry?! The one I fell in love with!

I was broken deeply. I couldn't believe that man changed for whose family's safety and his safety I sacrificed two years of my life. And what did I get?

I know I'll never forget or stop loving Harry cause that's impossible. But I'll try to live and make my life better.

After few hours, I sat up, sniffed and wiped by tears. I put my hair in a bun, went to bathroom and freshened up.

Dad had texted me that we were going to have dinner together in a resto. I just left my hair open, applied no make up and wore a basic black tee upon a ripped jeans. As usual got into my vans and got out of the hotel room .

We three were in a our hotel's resto area. Mom and Dad were talking about my future. I was lost in my world. After few minutes I took some decisions for me again.

"Mom, Dad" I called them seeking their attention.

They looked me, leaned forward and nodded slightly asking what.

"I-I had applied for few jobs in NYC and yesterday a confirmation came from one of the companies" "As you know about my disability, I don't want to get married. And of course who's gonna marry me?" "So I have decided that I'm gonna spend a simple and decent life by myself" "I can stay away from you guys for job but I don't want to. I know a daughter at home for life has a bad impression but I don't wanna live alone when I need people around me" "And parents are one who you need the most. I wanna spend my rest of the life with you guys. I had barely spend my life with you" "So can you please accept all this?" I bit me lower lip while handling myself and controlling not get emotional.

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