Chapter 23

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I rushed down to Judy and was about to leave. I really didn't wanted to leave Harry like that and go so far to USA. Judy passed me a 'it's okay look' and smiled. "I don't wanna leave him in that condition. I do not feels good, Judy" I sounded upset. "Stop feeling like that. I know after you leave, he is gonna shower texts and calls on you. He is pissed off right now. But I know him. Now just go and enjoy your week. Okay?" She almost calmed me down. I nodded while pouting and pulled her into a tight hug. "I love you Judy! Take care of you, Louis and Harry okay?" I leaned out and smiled. "Of course" she grinned.

Now it was the time to tell Judy not to leave me at the airport and make some fake reason. I gulped and bit my tongue. Judy was just walking towards the car and I stopped her.

"Judy! I-I totally forgot to inform you something" I pretended like I forgot something and walked fast to her. I hesitated.

"What's that?" She frowned.

"Uhm, actually my friend from USA visited her aunt here in London and now she is returning today. We are going back in the same flight so she told me that she would pick me up at London bridge and we will together go to the Airport. Will you please drop me at London bridge instead of Airport?" I crystal lied. I literally have become a liar in these days.

"Jenna? Are you sure?" She looked confused.

"Yep!!!" I bit my lower lip and widened my eyes while nodding.

"Okay then....I'll drop you there. Come on get inside" she smiled and agreed. Thank god!!

While walking towards the car, I took a final look at Harry's bedroom's balcony and expected him to be there. My bad! He wasn't there. My heart was sinking with every step I was taking to go away from him. I then got inside the car with unsatisfied feeling. Judy started driving and I kept looking outside window, thinking about Harry.

We finally reached there. I started wondering around for Jake. It was 10:05 am. I cannot meet Jake in front of Judy. I then took a deep breath and sighed. I needed a cool mind to handle this situation. Judy came and stood beside me to wait for my 'friend' to approach.

"Jenna!" I heard Jake's voice from behind. I immediately turned towards him. "There you are!" He added. But he immediately stopped seeing Judy there. Naiwowlkwjwisnssj. I felt like busted! Now I have to tell Judy about it.

"What's Jake doing here?" Judy looked disgusted. "Maybe he always keeps roaming here and there" she rolled her eyes away.

"Uhm Judy, I-I actually......Jake is this one I'm leaving the country with" I pressed my eyes close and told her in one breath.

"What?!?!" She groaned and was shocked. I opened my eyes and passed her a weak smile. "Please don't tell Harry about it! Please!?!?" I held her and almost begged.

"But Jenna---"

"I'll explain you everything after I reach NY! I promise I'll call you. Just trust me and don't tell Harry about it. Please?????" I looked at her hopefully. Jake was looking at me like 'I'm waiting do it fast'.

"Fine! But just be safe. Okay?" She agreed and showed me her widened eyes.

"Yeah! I'm sorry for asking you to keep this from Harry and lying. Thanks for helping Judy!" I immediately hugged her and smiled.

"No problem! Just take care of yourself okay?" She pulled me out slowly and grinned at me.

"Yeah! You too" I smiled and then she left soon.

After shifting my luggage in Jake's car we soon left for Liverpool. I was continuously checking my phone to see if I received any text from Harry. But I was every time disappointed. There can be two moods of Harry right now. First, he must be badly missing me cause he was going to see me for days, or he must have been more pissed off on me cause a really left. Uuuggghhh!!

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