Chapter 56

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"Yeah what's the plan Harry?" Jake questioned while comforting himself on the couch.

"Yeah wait a minute!" "Vane, Would you like to join us? We are just gonna hangout and chill the whole day!" Harry shove his hands in his pockets and asked to Vanessa with a dimply smile.

I controlled my jealousy and just sat quiet. I don't know how Vanessa is. She maybe kind and sweet in real. And I can't hate her because she is Harry's best friend. I also have Jake as my best friend and Harry never had a problem with him. Ignoring the starting part of my and Jake's friendship. I should not hate her already but know her by spending time with her. I don't wanna judge her only because she was in an article with Harry.

"God Harry are you out of your mind?" Cassie whispered to herself but I heard it. I just scoffed and shook my head.

"Uh no! Say no!" Judy mumbled.

"Umm, okay but only if everyone wants me to join" Vanessa bit her lower lip and looked at us all.

"I would like you to join! Please don't hesitate! You are Harry's best friend after all" I smiled at her and spoke in a casual tone. I don't care if it was a taunt for Harry. I Cassie and Judy again gave me a disgusting look. I ignored them at kept smiling at Vanessa.

"Oh thanks Jenna! So sweet of you" Vanessa grinned at me.

"Cassie? Judy? Lou? Stefan? Jake? Come on say yes fast!" Harry groaned slowly.

"Harry is it----"

"They have no problem with it too!!" I cut off Cassie before she could use any harsh words against Vanessa. I just didn't wanted to make Vanessa feel low. "Right guys?" I looked at all of them and showed them my widened eyes asking them to agree.

"Uh yeahhh....." everyone sighed.

"Great!! You are in then?" Harry asked Vanessa with his smile on. How sweet of you Harry!

"Yeah totally in!!!" Vanessa excitingly nodded.

"Okay then! The plan is to first have a brunch at my house and then I'll tell you the rest of the plan, okay?" Harry informed us all, looked at everyone but not me. Of course!

"Thank god! I was starving!" Judy sighed and stood up.

"Yeahhh I agree!" Jake did the same.

Wait am I invited too? The scene of Harry kicking me out of his house stroke me. Suddenly my body loosened. I can't enter his house till he himself permits me. And although Anne and Mr. Styles don't about what I said about Anne, I'm still scared of facing them. I wanna apologise to Anne without telling her about the reason. But not today! I'm not ready! And Harry hasn't talked about me yet.

"Ah guys! You all carry on with the brunch. I'll head back to the Hotel. I-I actually forgot something! And I'll have my lunch there itself" "I can carry on with you guys with rest of the plan?" I suddenly interrupted their excited talks about the day while standing up. In between I looked at Harry for a second.

"Are you out of your mind? I just said that I'm not leaving you even for a single second!" Judy growled.

"Shut up and stick to the plan!" Cassie folded her hands.

"What's the problem, Jenna! Just get with it" Jake shrugged.

"Don't spoil our moods Jenna! You have come after a long time and you are skipping the brunch with all of us? Not done!" Lou groaned while widening his hands. Oh god! What do I do now.

"The invitation for brunch is for everyone present over her! Along with the guests!" "Let's not waste the time in stupid dramas and just stick to the plan! I hope everyone gets that!" Suddenly Harry spoke in a flat tone while getting into his blazer.

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