Wish You Were Mine (pt. 1)

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It was the last day of Christmas Break and you'd had the most boring break ever. Nothing went the way you wanted it to. You and your family were supposed to go back home for Christmas to celebrate with all your relatives and stay there through New Year's then come home in time for when school started back up again, but that certainly didn't happen. Why? Because there was a winter storm that prevented you to be able to drive and plane tickets were too expensive this time of year.

Now that your break had been the most boring break ever you discovered this new song called "Wish You Were Mine" and well, it was probably the most relatable song you'd ever heard. It basically covered every feature of your crush, c/n, and the feelings that you had for him.

So regardless of the scenarios you'd made up in your mind of what could happen, you decided that you were going to go through with your New Year's Resolution once school started. You didn't care how you did it or when you did it, as long as it was in time for Valentines Day, you just knew you had to tell c/n that you liked him.

February 10th okay I have to get this done. It's now or never. You thought to yourself, so you pulled out a piece of paper from your notebook and a pencil and wrote a letter telling c/n that you liked him and you even added some of the lyrics from that song 'Wish You Were Mine' well actually you basically just wrote the song on paper and twisted a few if they didn't match.

Later during lunch, after you'd eaten you'd walked down the halls to find his locker and found it unlocked. However, even if it wasn't, you'd find a way to get your note inside. You looked around the corners and down the halls to make sure no one was watching you. As you opened his locker you found it full of pictures of him and his friends, and others of his sports teams. You looked at them for longer than you probably should have then remembered what you'd went there to do and stuck the note in a place you knew he'd see it, and got out of there as quickly as possible praying that nobody saw you.

It was around five minutes until the bell rung signalling that lunch hour was over, and you decided to just hang out in the halls by your locker, which fortunately was close to c/n's, with your friends and wait for the bell to ring. Then suddenly, to your surprise, c/n came 'round the corner and was heading towards his locker when your friend, f/n, spotted him and nudged you and pointed in his direction. You immediately perked up and decided to switch spots with her so that your back wasn't facing towards his locker and you could see if he got your note.

His P.O.V.

I was heading back to my locker before the bell rang to get my sweatshirt because to be honest our school was really cold and it was like zero degrees outside, and I found a note in my locker as soon as I opened it. Knowing there was still five minutes until the bell rang I decided to read it because I figured that was plenty of time. There was no name on it it just said 'C/n'. I unfolded it and read to myself. 

Hey, you don't know who I am but I hope you understand that I need to talk to you. I don't usually fall in love easily, but I happen to fall in love with you. I just love your dark brown hair and the way you do that stare, and your dimples when you smile. So can I take your time just for a minute, let me explain why I dream of you and I. I'd love to hold your hand and eat pizza at 3 am and I wanna watch you fall asleep. I love the way you talk and how you're taller than me. I wanna be more than a friend, get your attention, we should meet someday. I love everything you hate regardless of your mistakes I'm gonna love you just the same. 'Cause you're too funny and I love your brown eyes. I can't get over your smile and I don't know why. I think about you all the time and I must admit, I wish you were mine.

There was no name signing it, no initials, no nothing, just the last words "I wish you were mine." Just then the bell rang and I frantically looked around as the halls became filled with people from freshman to senior year, and there was no way I'd be able to find my secret admirer at the moment so I rushed to fold the note back up shoved it in my pocket, grabbed my backpack, and headed to class, with nothing else on my mind but, Who could've written that note?


HEEEEEEEEEY! This was my first crush imagine and I really hope you liked it. And I also hope you love this song as much as I do. It literally describes my crush and the feelings I have for him pretty much perfectly. Expect part two within the next week or so because I go back to school tomorrow so I'm probably gonna be a bit busy with not much time to write. Anyways, bye!

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