Chapter 4

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Important AN at the end.

Bellany's Voiceover: We were born in space. They told us the ground was uninhabited. But they were wrong. And we've been fighting for our lives since the moment we landed. Some of us have been broken by it. But most of us are still here, searching for survivors from the Ark, trying to build something real and lasting out the wilderness. A home. Our leaders believe that, to survive, we need to make peace with the grounders. But peace is a foreign concept here.

No One's POV

Beth stood next to Lexa's throne, as she, Lexa, Titus, along with the 13 ambassadors and Clarke and Roan were in the throne room at Polis. Beth stood on the opposite side of the throne than Titus. 

"Ambassadors of the Coalition, today we honor our covenant. The clan that stands against one of us stands against us all." Lexa says to the group.

"Bring in the accused." Beth says in Trigedsleng to some grounders, waving her hand once, and the doors open. Queen Nia, flanked by two guards, enters. They walk forward to stand in front of Lexa and push Nia to her knees.

"Queen Nia of Azgeda has confessed to the destruction of Mt. Weather, resulting in the death of 49 members of Skaikru." Titus says to everyone. "Wanheda, what say you?"

"Skaikru demands justice." Clarke speaks up. Beth nods once, her face seemingly unemotional but she was breaking inside each more everyday. Everyday more people die, more of her people die.

"Ice Nation does not answer to this girl." Nia says to the commander in Trigedsleng. Beth glares lightly, already hating the woman in front of her.

"Silence. The punishment for your crime is death." Beth says to the woman. "Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

"I need no defense." Nia says. She looks at the Commander. "She does." She says about Lexa. "Today is judgement day. I call for a vote of no confidence." Beth glares. 

"Take this queen to meet her fate." Beth says.

Two guards step towards Nia, but one of the Ambassadors stands. "Not so fast." He says. "Commander no longer."

More and more Ambassadors stand. "Commander no longer." Another Ambassador says.

"Commander no longer." Another says, angering Beth. 

"Take them away too!" Beth and Titus both say.

The guards move to follow Beth and Titus' orders.

"Wait." Lexa says to them. Beth looks over at her.

"Lexa, please, execute these traitors-" Titus begins but Lexa raises her hand, making him stop in his words. "Let her make her move."

"Commander no longer." Another Ambassador says.

"Commander no longer." About four others say.

Beth looks at Lexa, in confusion. "Commander, what is this?"

"This is a coup." She replies.

Nia starts to stand. Clarke and Beth both look frantic, as Lexa is ever-collected. "This is the law, her law." Nia says. "A unanimous vote of the ambassadors or death are all that can remove a commander from power." 

"It's not unanimous." Clarke says.

"We don't recognize the legitimacy of Skaikru." Nia says.

Beth looks furious and walks down to meet Nia. "We do. Yesterday, Skaikru took the brand." She says, placing a hand on her sword, not afraid to use it if she needs to. "They are the 13th clan. This vote of no confidence fails. All these coup plotters will suffer the exact same fate as the Ice Queen." 

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